guess-who000x0432x576<<<Another Drunken Member of the Bahamas Bar. (FILE PHOTO)

Bahamas Press under normal circumstances does not prescribe to issuing warnings to persons for their despicable behavior, especially when those persons hold such a serious position as an Officer of the Courts. But as this long running saga continues to evolve and unfolds, our readers will appreciate that this saga of the female lawyer by day who turns into a jungla at night—and a drunken one too—is not set in normal circumstances.

Bahamas Press can assure our readers that this saga should concern anyone who does business with her in the day, or has drunken parties with her in the night, when the only things open at those hours are people’s legs! Hence, Bahamas Press starts this saga with Part One, where Bahamas Press simply alerts this lawyer/jungla that a ‘pig with a silk hat on, is still a pig.’ and though you have your prestigious law office out west by The Caves, it does not change the fact that the worse kind of thief is the one that steals from their family and then turns around and talks bad about the family including the dearly departed! If a lawyer steals from their family, what do you she’ll do when she turns into a jungle? And a drunken one at that?

Bahamas Press will end Part One at this point. But our readers need not fear, Part Two will surely come with the lawyer/jungla’s name and picture, because what our recent reports reveal, is that she is out of control again and hanging out again with the son of the Head Drunk in The Bahamas! Readers, stay tuned.


  1. Haterz…By Maya Angelou

    A hater is someone who is jealous and envious and spends all their
    time trying to make you look small so they can look tall.
    They are very negative people to say the least. Nothing is ever
    good enough!

    When you make your mark, you will always attract some haters…

    That’s why you have to be careful with whom you share your
    blessings and your dreams, because some folk can’t handle seeing
    you blessed…

    It’s dangerous to be like somebody else… If God wanted you to be
    like somebody else, He would have given you what He gave them! Right?

    You never know what people have gone through to get what they

    The problem I have with haters is that they see my glory, but they
    don’t know my story…

    If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, you
    can rest assured that the water bill is higher there too!

    We’ve all got some haters among us!

    Some people envy you because you can:
    a) Have a relationship with God
    b) Light up a room when you walk in
    c) Start your own business
    d) Tell a man/woman to hit the curb
    (if he/she isn’t about the right thing)
    e) Raise your children without both parents being
    in the home

    Haters can’t stand to see you happy.
    Haters will never want to see you succeed.
    Most of our haters are people who are supposed to be
    on our side.

    How do you handle your undercover haters?
    You can handle these haters by:

    1. Knowing who you are & who your true friends are

    2. Having a purpose to your life: Purpose does not
    mean having a job. You can have a job and still be

    A purpose is having a clear sense of what God has called you to be.
    Your purpose is not defined by what others think about you.

    3. By remembering what you have is by divine
    prerogative and not human manipulation.

    Fulfill your dreams! You only have one life to live…when its your
    time to leave this earth, you want to be able to say, ‘I’ve lived my
    life and fulfilled my dreams, Now I’m ready to go HOME!

    When God gives you favor, you can tell your haters, ‘Don’t look at
    me…Look at who is in charge of me…’

  2. You know what? It took me a while but after reading this article and all the comments on this issue I’ve learnt that whether you’re in a calm mood or in a rage if you say something hurtful to someone no matter how much you apologize the words that have already been spoken can NEVER EVER be taken back. IF I HAD said some of these hurtful comments to someone I once cared about surrounding myself with 8 triple cheese burgers, 2 extra large pizzas and a case of Diet Sprite to wash it down would still be no comfort to me cause I would regret everything I said and I know the person would NEVER forget my words. @Truth Be Told

  3. I’m greedy too. But who cares?. Once me and my family straight I good to go. For those of you who know me I just wash the guilt down with a DIET SPRITE. @Larry

  4. I have never been more ashamed to be a Bahamian than I am while reading these ignorant, slanderous, libelous, defamatory and LUDICROUS comments about a hard-working, highly intellectual, young Bahamian wife and mother, who is also a BRILLIANT attorney!

    It is patently obvious that the original author of this post and their co-conspirators are bitter, low, conniving and CRIMINAL; proving why the alleged woman had to leave their firm, disassociate from them and why their best and brightest FOLLOWED HER to her new offices, where she has more than competently, but MASTERFULLY, won several MAJOR cases (some landmark) for very appreciative and loyal clients. The level of attack made against this woman, her character and her FATHER is not only DEPLORABLE, but CRIMINAL and ACTIONABLE. NO person with ANY sense of decency should give a bit of credence to these false accusations made against her by the sick, sad and FOUL vermin that made them. To think that one of these posts may have very well been written by a member of the bar who also has a title…SHAMEFUL…I hope that they are stripped of their court privileges and that very undeserving title as a result of this conduct.

  5. One qustion I really like to ask is this picture Paris HILTON or NOT ???????????????? If it is,Paris HILTON then just let it dead.

  6. Well, well, well. Welcome back “What’the matter you?!! Oooo whooo!!!!! Looks like everyone is hot on your trail. So….how does it feel putting fingers in the fire??? YOU and ONLY you were the one who mentioned people’s names and you had the MOST to say. And you are still mentioning even more names. You kinda come across as obsessed or a psycho or something. You didn’t by any chance try to get ‘piece’ from this attorney and she turned you down eh? I mean ….whether you’re a man or woman. Don’t worry ..someone is out there for you. Gay or straight. LOL!!

  7. couch potato :This story is starting to come together.
    BP posts a story of a female lawyer who they say is a lawyer and jungaliss at nite.They also include a photo of a female leaving a vehicle with her draws showing but the face is not showing.
    later one someone figured out that this is actually a photo of paris hilton.
    see linkhttp://www.entertainmentwise.com/gallery/UPSKIRT_PARIS09_1.jpg
    so already this is looking like foul play and mischief.
    The blogger named ‘what’ the matter you’ actually mentions the name ‘Gail Lockhart’ who they say is their former business partner.
    This is when I made the connection.There was an article in the punch a few months ago about a big PLP lawfirm bust up. Many believe that they were referring to the law firm of : gail lockhartClement Maynard jr.Alison Maynard.
    The article claimed that gail lockhart left the firm and started on her own because she was owed big money from the election court case.
    So this is looking like a PLP family bust up!!!
    “what the matter you ” had a whole lot to say and seemed to be personally involved. This may very well be a case of one faction slandering and attacking the next.
    Read the entire post page 1 and 2 and watch the whole thing play out

    dear bp,
    it was not my intention to be back on this site, on this subject, because bp, nor any other of it’s readers would have known about my view from ‘experience’ about gail lockhart charles if bp didn’t leave a trail to follow that in my opinion leads to her. my reasons are certainly not the same as bp’s. but for the sake of sense and sensibility, please if your other readers like couch potatoe is going to reference from what i say, please do it correctly and not to serve some presupposition or feed stupidity. for example, couch potatoe came to a whole conclusion but based on a wrong premise–i did not say that cutthroak gail and i were business partners. in fact we were not. so again i say and mercifully this time for the nitwit’s still trying to make my case fit their suspects–i said that she was not a confidential lawyer and that if she only played the proverbial coc—-er role with me as a potential, or full fledge client, your readeras will see me , if only me in court against her. all the other remarks believing that i am her family member, cousin allyson gibson and this is just a part of our big bust up, does not fit my scenario– in fact, i could only hope and pray that i get gail in the courts and justice be given me,before gail and her cousin get to do whatever they got to do.

  8. I heard about this as well.

    why is BP being used to advance this malicious agenda.

    I have a family who was victimized by a Maynard………..trust me you don’t want to be in battle with these people That family will resort to the worst gutter tactitcs……..they are sore losers

    I think the bahamian public has had enough of this ‘all for me baby family’.

    so now they turning to BP to do their dirty work.

    Dats why we VOTE DEM OUT!!!!!.

    They have no right attacking Hubigety and his son???…see page 1


  9. This story is starting to come together.

    BP posts a story of a female lawyer who they say is a lawyer and jungaliss at nite.
    They also include a photo of a female leaving a vehicle with her draws showing but the face is not showing.

    later one someone figured out that this is actually a photo of paris hilton.

    see link

    so already this is looking like foul play and mischief.

    The blogger named ‘what’ the matter you’ actually mentions the name ‘Gail Lockhart’ who they say is their former business partner.

    This is when I made the connection.
    There was an article in the punch a few months ago about a big PLP lawfirm bust up. Many believe that they were referring to the law firm of : gail lockhart
    Clement Maynard jr.
    Alison Maynard.

    The article claimed that gail lockhart left the firm and started on her own because she was owed big money from the election court case.

    So this is looking like a PLP family bust up!!!

    “what the matter you ” had a whole lot to say and seemed to be personally involved. This may very well be a case of one faction slandering and attacking the next.

    Read the entire post page 1 and 2 and watch the whole thing play out

  10. If this is the person who I think you are referring to, then I will confirm that historically, she has always partied hard. Cocaine use is nothing new to party animal.

    Now you admit …’we would agree with the charge that we lied or misreported’ about the picture not being the attorney in question. That was no misreport!! That was just your attempt to mislead and deceive the public. Someone else was just a step ahead of you and you realize there is no way of denying the photo was posted to mislead.
    You CAN’T produce any photo of this lady snorting ‘coke’. But with modern technology anyone can fabricate or alter a photo of someone to make it appear as if they are somewhere or doing something which they really are Not. But you guys aren’t even that computer savvy to fabricate a photo of this attorney. You had to compare her with Paris Hilton (an ugly bitch). Even if you guys look for someone who is smarter than you to fabricate a photo of this lady snorting ‘coke’ you won’t post it. So far you’ve been STUPID but I’m sure you wouldn’t be that STUPID. For your own sakes I would hope you’re not. So, don’t tell us we would be surprised to see a photo of her snorting coke. You were deceptive in the beginning and will be deceptive in the future.
    BAHAMAS PRESS IS just like ‘What’s The Matter You?’ who is a COWARD claiming he would call the attorney and his own name. But he was only STUPID enough to state other people’s name AND has yet to state his own. But whose holding their breath? We all know your aim is to try to bring a successful woman down. Dance puppets. Dance!!!!!!!

    well bp,
    again and mercifully and hopefully for the last time, i said that i ‘can’ call Gail’s LOckhart’s name and my own. i did not say that i will because while insider–or should i call him/her,INSIDE-HER obviously needs my name to quench curiosity, i have alerted bp readers about Gail LOckhart as a lawyer and only a drunken fool would not have figured by now that i obviously have reasons to say so, which should be obvious that they will come out in public for adjudication and then everyone will know who i am not unless of course she is a serial cutthroat lawyer and someone has her before the courts for the same matters before we have our day. so as the saying goes ‘tom may be drunk, but he ain’t fool,’ i say to insider, gail may be drunk, but i ain’t fool. i want justice and seek it in broad daylight. but bp, it seems that you have picked your own fight by claiming pictures of her snorting cocaine. insider is so sure you don’t have them–how can that be-that insider can know everything about Gail Lockhart but not know of her nicodemus penchant to come at a client like a thief in the night? hmm. but that’s not my business. all i say to insider is that if you play around in hell long enough–you are bound to run into the devil. come out of hell insider and not only avoid the devil in hell-but also the devil in you. i guess insider will get to see me in court. and other than that.. i bid bp adiue

  12. Tiny: If she has done something wrong that is connected to her being a lawyer by all means expose that and name and shame her for that. Her personal life is not “fair game”. Ignorance is bliss only to the persons who are ignorant, certainly innuendos, vile name-calling is not bliss for this woman. Do and say what you want as long as you do not knowingly hurt another person. You say she is obviously a nasty person and you base that opinion not on your own noable fact but on gossip which may or may not have credence. We should all aspire to be better than that.

  13. I have never commented before, but I must say that, while the personal affairs of a person should not be the public’s concern, there are aspects of it that if connected to ones job, that will inevitably lead to its involvevment.
    A lawyer’s job demands cofidentiality, which is highly compromised if that lawyer is drunk. I feel though that this is really harsh to put her on blast online.

  14. BP who is the female Attorney?I noted that someone came on and the only thing I was not called is a child of God.Obviously the guilty is feeling the pressure and responding.The look on their face say they guilty.And since you have gotten the attention of so many it is time to unveil this wicked person.My drums are rolling.

  15. Tiny, how can you say that the lawyer is obvious a nasty person when you cant see her, oops, Paris’s face to determine who the laywer is? You dont know her! What law says gossip is wrong? What is obvious is that your brain is smaller than your name! Come to think about it, BP and the fools behind this are like u so strength in numbers. But please, tomorrow send a letter to any editor with your name and address with the same mess that was said here and let’s see what law will defend the Lawyer. We all have a freedom of speech but we don’t have license to talk shit!!!!!!!

  16. Joe-who are you to say what is wrong or not? Let people continue to be ignorant then if your opinion is as such-it is bliss isn’t it? What law says gossip is wrong? This lawyer is obviously a nasty person and someone therefore felt it was appropriate to let the cat out of the bag about them as a warning to others. Lord knows there are many nasty and devious lawyers in this country so why not expose them when we can and save the rest of the nation from being taken advantage by them? Are they not wrong by doing wrong to others-if this person was such a good person then why is someone out to expose them??

  17. Tiny: While some do comment on stories that are nonsense to us, you miss the point. If we don’t point out what is wrong certain people will just continue on in ignorance of what is right or wrong or unseemly.

  18. Bahamas Press- Just clear your name and release the story already! Yes I do like gossip and just like all the rest of you checkin in on this story claiming that you are not interested in it need to keep ur mouths shut-u and me or on the same level as far as wanting to find out who this person is-if not you wouldn’t even check this blog now would you??

  19. Joe;

    I must be crazy but I agree with you again you are correct in the line that if this person is a lawyer and have done nothing illegal in her capacity as a lawyer….then this photo is here neither there a person private life is just that private and has no place on any blog or public place.

  20. Media: Thank you for your good sense in removing all the vile comments made concerning this article. You were very misleading with the photo. You should remove it also. A person’s private life has no place on this or any other blog. If she has done something illegal in her capacity as a lawyer and it affects this nation it should be brought to light but otherwise keep it to yourself unless you wish to declare this as a slag-heap site. But we all make mistakes and misjudgements. Kudos to you for making the change,

  21. @media

    Now you admit …’we would agree with the charge that we lied or misreported’ about the picture not being the attorney in question. That was no misreport!! That was just your attempt to mislead and deceive the public. Someone else was just a step ahead of you and you realize there is no way of denying the photo was posted to mislead.

    You CAN’T produce any photo of this lady snorting ‘coke’. But with modern technology anyone can fabricate or alter a photo of someone to make it appear as if they are somewhere or doing something which they really are Not. But you guys aren’t even that computer savvy to fabricate a photo of this attorney. You had to compare her with Paris Hilton (an ugly bitch). Even if you guys look for someone who is smarter than you to fabricate a photo of this lady snorting ‘coke’ you won’t post it. So far you’ve been STUPID but I’m sure you wouldn’t be that STUPID. For your own sakes I would hope you’re not. So, don’t tell us we would be surprised to see a photo of her snorting coke. You were deceptive in the beginning and will be deceptive in the future.

    BAHAMAS PRESS IS just like ‘What’s The Matter You?’ who is a COWARD claiming he would call the attorney and his own name. But he was only STUPID enough to state other people’s name AND has yet to state his own. But whose holding their breath? We all know your aim is to try to bring a successful woman down. Dance puppets. Dance!!!!!!!

  22. @Altec
    We will do the right thing, but as we told a member of the Ingraham Cabinet before. Bahamas Press does not, NEVER HAS nor will, DELETE a story posted on this BLOG. When you see something on here, TRUST US, there are CHILLING FACTS TO BACK IT UP.

    EASY VERIFIABLE FACTS! See, had we said this is the picture of the Lawyer/Jungla we would agree with the charge that we lied or misreported. We posted that the picture was a FILE PHOTO. But some are pushing for us to produce the photo with the JUNGLA snorting COCAINE. Mind you we can do that you know. But when we are done with this, we don’t want anyone to be surprise.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  23. @Altec
    Boy this one sweet CYBER FIGHT ECH? I mean and we ain’t call the name yet and persons on here ready to piss in people mouth. Geee where did that come from? Even we the operators looking at this fight and wondering WHAT IN THE HELL has happened with this story?

    I mean we went to the post office today and in the AG office a legal mind asked, “Who that lawyer is who selling her goods in the night?” And I said WHAT??? WHO? And you know Altec the person who said it used ‘raw language’ to address that question.

    We simply said to the person, we thought Anna Nicole was dead and resting in LAKE VIEW. Geeeee this is really a wasp nest isn’t it?

    Stay tuned though, Stay Turned. We just have to deal with some other national matters and we will be moving ahead with the details of this story….

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  24. Joe Blow :
    Media: OH What a tangled web you have woven! You say your site is rated “G”. If You are going to allow most of the preceeding contributions to stand then “G” must mean : Garbage, Gaffe, Gabble, Gaga, Galimatias, Gall, Gammom, Gamy, Garble, Garrulous, Gutter talk and on and on. I am sooooo! disappointed that you have allowed this site to sink to this depth of depravity. Your call for Change is just so much “hot air”.

    BP the posters who have taken issue with the misleading and embarrassing pic and the name calling of an individual have a point. You cant call your site rated G and post a pic of a woman coming out of a car in an unflattering way at the same time. lol, i know you will do the right thing.

  25. Fern :
    Media, oooooooo Media,
    What is happening on this site?

    Gal me no know!!!! All i know is i staying low cause all kind of things flying around. Looks like “Insider”, “Shantell” & “Whats the matter” ready to duke this ting out right now.

    BP look like you hit a wasp nest.

  26. Media: OH What a tangled web you have woven! You say your site is rated “G”. If You are going to allow most of the preceeding contributions to stand then “G” must mean : Garbage, Gaffe, Gabble, Gaga, Galimatias, Gall, Gammom, Gamy, Garble, Garrulous, Gutter talk and on and on. I am sooooo! disappointed that you have allowed this site to sink to this depth of depravity. Your call for Change is just so much “hot air”.

  27. I can’t believe that BP actually ran this story. I believe in ethical journalism and this is indeed a let down. We should uplift one another and use the powers of communication to network in ways that allow us to expand our capacity for growth, and somehow even expand our national pride. Surely we are better than this. Stop perpetuating ignorance BP. This is utter nonsense!!!

  28. @The Insider

    BP’s–well so much for insider, (gail lockhart’s alter-ego) and now so much for shantell (gail lockhart’s alter-alter-ego). both have now decided what my sexual preferences are and what my character is–and they don’t even know me but already they want to piss in my mouth and the other considers me a homosexual! strange people indeed that is part of gail lockhart’s camp. that’s my point. but please do not play semantics to squirm your way out of this topic– i said i ‘can’ call her name and my name also on this site, and because you use semantics to make that sound like i cowardly backed out of doing that–is just a way for both of you, or gail and her many personalities to get lost on this topic because at the end of the day, Gail Lockhart is a loose mouth cutthroat female, which doesn’t bother me except for the fact that she is again, AN OFFICER OF THE COURTS AND IS NOT CONFIDENTIAL. THAT’S THE POINT! SHE IS ALSO A DOUBLE FOOL TO HAVE GROWN UP AS AN ADULT-CHILD OF AN ALCOHOLIC AND STILL WENT DOWN THE SAME ROAD DRINKING, BUT EVEN WORSE, WHILE ON THAT ROAD SHE DECIDED TO SNIFF UP THE LINES! CERTAINLY, GAIL’S FATHER CAN TELL HER THAT ‘IT’S EASIER TO STAY SOBER, THEN TO HAVE TO GET SOBER AGAIN. SO GAIL-INSIDER-SHANTELL, I THINK YOU NOW UNDERSTAND AND SO I ACCEPT YOUR SQUIRMY WAY OF AGREEING FINALLY THAT WE SHOULD AGREE TO DISAGREE. AS FAR AS THE PERSONAL ATTACKS ON ME, SHANTELL, YOU CAN GET IN LINE FOR YOUR SHARE OF BUCKSHOT MOUTH RINSE, ALSO! I AM NOT INTO “GOLDEN SHOWERS, NOR RIDING ON BEING DRIVEN UP THE HERSHEY HIGHWAY. SORRY TO DISAPPOINT YOU. BUT IF IT’S BUCKSHOT YOU WANT–I GOT PLENTY OF THAT.

  29. lol! I agree with u Insider. A coward he is indeed! He must be a man lover because he’s so much into drama! drama! drama!

  30. To: “What’s The Matter You?”

    Awwwww myyyy. You turned out to be the COWARD I thought you were. I thought you said you were going to call the attorney’s full name and yours????? Now you gone to other people’s name and their children?? Man I can NO LONGER entertain you. A person with no purpose is a ticking time bomb. Good luck in life.

  31. The Insider :Sure, I don’t have a problem taking a urine test. As long as it is in your mouth.
    Stop hatin’. Be happy that the attorney is excelling on her own. Take all of that energy you are using to be jealous of her and improve your own well being. Why do people hate it when other people are happy? Focus on yourself. Again, I say to my girl, Go for yourself girl!! Success is yours!!!! God will prepare the table for you before your enemies.
    And to: “WHAT’S THE MATTER YOU” ….Yea…Go ahead…type her full name and your full name. LOL!! Keeping on digging my brother…keep on digging.

    well bp, i see that not only insider is one of those gailites, but it sounds like he my just a be a gail, or gal for true, now he wants to piss in my mouth, hey? anyhow, that is how those people who hang around gail behave. only proves my point about gail’s nastiness to even talk bad about her dead ma’ sister and insider is following suit in his/her unabridfged nastiness. but i have a better idea for him/her–he can piss in mouth, if he’s able and then i will wash his mouth out with buckshot! he wouldn’t be the first i did it to. the point still remains, can you trust a lawyer with your business, if she is not confidential when sober–not to mention after she has had a few drinks and a few lines with hubert’s son, at least one of them? hubert does have a few of them, one is an always out of work photographer another likes to strip and walk down prince charles drive to the nearest church and then there are more. let’s get it going insider, you will see who will end feeling like they had piss in their mouth.

  32. Sure, I don’t have a problem taking a urine test. As long as it is in your mouth.

    Stop hatin’. Be happy that the attorney is excelling on her own. Take all of that energy you are using to be jealous of her and improve your own well being. Why do people hate it when other people are happy? Focus on yourself. Again, I say to my girl, Go for yourself girl!! Success is yours!!!! God will prepare the table for you before your enemies.

    And to: “WHAT’S THE MATTER YOU” ….Yea…Go ahead…type her full name and your full name. LOL!! Keeping on digging my brother…keep on digging.

  33. This is really foolishness at best. How can you lie about her photo, lie about your story and then put a name to the lies? As someone who actually been around the parties in question during the material time I can say as a matter of fact and not lie, that the Attorney did what was morally permissible. Her team did the work and they left. And to say that the lawyer stole from her family is really looking at the facts from your behind. Her clients have nothing to worry about because they know her personally and trust is there. So, please, say your final word. You started of with shit and shit from shit leaves shit.

  34. @The Insider

    @The Insider

    The Insider :OH MY!! OH MY!! Now you’re typing people’s name. Just like a child you enjoy putting your fingers in the fire I see.
    Write on my brother…… Write on.

    i am not interested in a pissing match with you, i am sure if you hang out with gail, you probably can piss for days on end, but the question is can you get her to take a urine test for other mind altering substances? or better still, can you take one yourself, since you seem so rigtheous in your cause to defend? here is the bottom line, i can call her full name and my own name also right here on this site and if you insider are not really gail, even gail would tell you to ‘leave this alone and let’s go and have another drink!’ i did not create this topic nor this web site, i am dealing with what should concern anyone in the public who may need a lawyer at some point, while hoping to God that the lawyer takes the meaning of OFFICER OF THE COURTS, seriously. i cannot imagine that a sober lawyer who is not confidential, can and will jump jack silver pin on her client–would become a trustworthy lawyer when drunk off liquor, or drunk from ‘chasing too many lines.’ now, if you insider have any sense, before BP restricts both of us from this site–accept that you know some things about Gail, but i do also. do you want to agree to disagree, or do you want me to ‘put my fingers further in the fire,’ with gail on the end of my fingers? choose ye this day.

  35. OH MY!! OH MY!! Now you’re typing people’s name. Just like a child you enjoy putting your fingers in the fire I see.

    Write on my brother…… Write on.

  36. The Insider :Y’all people please stop going by hearsay PLEASE. This lawyer didn’t need to hustle. SHE WORKED FOR HER SHITS. She was being DENIED what was RIGHTFULLY HERS. She didn’t try to clean out anybody. Ever heard the reggae song…’greedy fi more and nah give nottin’ to the poor. The almighty God gone strike you fi sure. You gravalicious and ya greedy fi all…..’@what’the matter you?

    The Insider :Ok….now THAT is a threat from you towards me personally. And, I have NOTHING to ask Christie, Obie or Carl because I DON’T give 2 hoots about their history. And who cares if Bahamas Press is not a toy. Toys are for kids. The only thing Bahamas Press is is a bunch of transparent wannabes. Don’t let the devil fool y’all. Ok? I repeat…Don’t let the devil fool y’all. If y’all feelin’ idle or looking for scrap change/money…. try reporting TRUE stories and you may be blessed. A word to the wise.

    Well BP’s, I see that Mr. Insider may have been using a laptop in whatever bar that Gail’s defense is coming from, either that, or I will be generous and say, there is a little schizophrenia running around that person. Insider says one thing and a few minutes later says something different. but again, i will not lose my focus and again, i can clearly state why i have assessed this female lawyer as not being trustworthy and i didn’t have to get in her pants to assess that. my point again is she cannot be trusted with my business as an OFFICER OF THE COURTS.do you get it Insider? AS AN OFFICER OF THE COURTS. her pants business, who she drinks with and shares a ‘straw’ with, is her business–and the other people who she tells it to!

  37. BAHAMAS PRESS This site is so hilarious.


    BAHAMAS PRESS…OH BAHAMAS PRESS…LOL!!! Y’all stay right there ’bout y’all have the last say.

    Do y’all know of ALL THE POSSIBLE LEGAL REPERCUSSIONS of this article of using a CELEBRITY’S PHOTO insinuating that it is a Bahamian with a bad rep??????? BOY Y’ALL DANGEROUS.

    This attorney could sue you guys for false insinuations and more beautifully….PARIS HILTON could get a hold of this website and sue y’all for the spare change y’all are making. She and her family WILL follow through until they get legal justice …or would it be money they consider justice? No..not money..not the Hiltons. But then again Bahamas Press is only making enough money to buy a phone card.


  38. @observer
    Again remember what we said here “Observer”, WE AT BAHAMAS PRESS always have the LAST SAY!

    Cause if this lawyer could THIEF from her own family, COULD YOU IMAGINE WHAT SHE WOULD DO TO HER CLIENTS? Tread carefully with us on this one, for we know FAR more than what we have already said.

    Bahamas Press

  39. Enough wasting spnace and tell us who this person is please-I dont care how many of u say this is wrong and disgraceful and all that….Every last one of you wants to know-It is in our blood as Bahamians to gossip ok.

    Come now and just show us the face man!

  40. This non-story is ridiculous and useless. While I have no interest in whomever you are talking about, I do agree that there is once again a lack of journalistic professionalism. This is getting to be too much like one of the worst “rag-sheets” in other countries. Even the “Punch” has a modicum of decorum compared to this. “File photo” does not “cut it” Media. If you don’t have the real goods, use nothing. And for “heaven sake, if you have spell check; use it.


  42. It’s very easy to find out who’s behind “BAHAMAS PRESS” I hope their asses get sued off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. Ok….now THAT is a threat from you towards me personally. And, I have NOTHING to ask Christie, Obie or Carl because I DON’T give 2 hoots about their history. And who cares if Bahamas Press is not a toy. Toys are for kids. The only thing Bahamas Press is is a bunch of transparent wannabes. Don’t let the devil fool y’all. Ok? I repeat…Don’t let the devil fool y’all. If y’all feelin’ idle or looking for scrap change/money…. try reporting TRUE stories and you may be blessed. A word to the wise.

  44. @The Insider
    Always remember this “Insider” and “Okrasoup” whilst unlike members of the wutless media we have allowed your comments on this BLOG of Free Speech. Do remember though that there is a hidden power behind this blog. And when ever someone attempts to editorially take us on, do digest that WE have all the time in the world to come back with a SCATHING, SLAUGHTERING ATTACK which can be worse than the first.

    Just ask Christie, OBIE, Carl Bethel or ColinaImperail. Bahamas Press is NOT A TOY nor a pun to be used. When we present something you might not like it, BUT it will be the truth. Stay Tuned for part two. We assure you, its more vicious than part one. And this time we will NOT USE A FILE PHOTO!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  45. Boy Okrasoup surely did her homework. GOOD JOB Okrasoup!!! Ahhhhh!! A photo of link of Paris Hilton. Nice try HATERS but NOT good enough. Y’all dat desperate to bring my girl down in da mud?? If Paris Hilton was pretty then the attorney should be flattered but Paris Hilton is one ugly bitch. TO ALL YOU HATERS AGAINST MY GIRL.. stick up a picture of your mother’s crotch and write a nasty story BUT don’t be cowards this time and hide her face.

  46. BP, I have to call you out on this one man. This is just bashing, plain and simple and it seems you doing it on behalf of the family in question. What this gal does in the night has nothing to do with her work in the day. People go to lawyers for their legal services, so who gives a damn what a lawyer does afterhours? She could be an ax murderer for all I care, as long as she can handle my affairs properly. You need to come off this high horse of yours and stop using BP to attack people for personal reasons. This is a trend that I thought you were moving away from. If you have a story on the gal tiefin, then run that but to put this Paris Hilton photo up (even with File Photo on it) is trying to make the suggestion that this is how this gal behaves. You shouldn’t post any photos until you have a real photo because this is dishonest man. Just when people started to trust you again you do this foolishness. Stick to the story and leave the name calling to people like me man.

  47. Bahamas press
    C’mon now….. This is NOT a photo of the lawyer so why did you put it there?




  48. Yea Insider…dis is deep for real!!
    The originator of this blog strongly hinted the identity of this lawyer:
    previous firm,new practice location and even fall just short of spelling her name….they then proceed to accuse her of drunken behaviour and theft….then juxtapose a partially concealed photo of PARIS HILTON…in a clumsy attempt to deceive the readers into thinking that their comments were factual.



    I also noted that another blogger wrote a long diatribe about this lawyer stealing from her family……the joke is, that this same family has also ben accused of stealing from the Bahamian public for years Mugabe style. (LOL)

  49. This is for the editor/Bahamas Press. If this website is rated G, then why do you have a photo of someone with their crotch/undies showing?? But I guess that is your version of rated G. Can I see a rated C article please? Y’all too funny.!!!!!!!!!!

  50. Y’all people please stop going by hearsay PLEASE. This lawyer didn’t need to hustle. SHE WORKED FOR HER SHITS. She was being DENIED what was RIGHTFULLY HERS. She didn’t try to clean out anybody. Ever heard the reggae song…’greedy fi more and nah give nottin’ to the poor. The almighty God gone strike you fi sure. You gravalicious and ya greedy fi all…..’@what’the matter you?

  51. LOL!!!!!!!!!!! Dis Deep. Y’all hear me? Dis is friggin’ deep. Now eventhough I know her and agree she is a hard worker and a good attorney, that is an unjust statement that “She was the only one doing all the work.” There is someone there who works 3 times as hard as she did. So, let’s give credit where it is definitely overdue. But you probably don’t even know these people and just going by hearsay.

    And as for referring to the male lawyer as a FAT LAZY HOG….regardless of any wrong he tried to do there is no reason for name calling cause he is a human too and does have some good points about him like everyone else. So, no name calling. Karma ALWAYS steps in. @okrasoup


    well bp’s. looks like all of the the syncophants have lined up be this lawyer. so it seems that so far e are talkiong about the same person. i dont need to drift to other person’s, the subject is not who was working and who wasn’t, the subject is can you trust a tief in your business? and if it’s a family member can you trust them in your house? sure, a person can leave their place of employment, but doesn’t mean that you start a year or so before to clean out the place so to speak before you leave. if we are talking about the same female, go out and hustle your own, don’t take with you what you met there.

  53. @okrasoup
    Well let’s say this OKRASOUP, if you read, like most persons do, you would see, (FILE PHOTO)! We haven’t called the name YET nor have we profiled this JUNGLA bar photo, but boi when we do.. If what we heard talked at the LAW LORD OPENING SESSION YESTERDAY on this topic IS ANY INDICATION, BP just might have 500,000 readers a day soon.

    Wait tell you read part two OKRASOUP. STAY TUNED!

    Bahamas Press




  55. @what’the matter you?
    Well, Well, well “What’the matter you?” this will be one hot piece for sure. We have not called anyone’s NAME. But those deflectors like SHANTEL have already come out swinging. I mean the least they can do is wait until the ball is pitched. LOL!

    BUT NO, like some political parties members who monitor Bahamas Press these days, before we can call the NAME the detractors start defending. I wonder whose name they would defend if we say, “There’s a MAN IN THE CABINET WHO NEEDS A STRAIGHT JACKET AND A SLEEPING SHOT?”

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  56. The Insider :LOL!! JEALOUSY IS A *****!!! I have known this attorney for quite some time. All of those involved in the existence of this article are GREEN WITH ENVY. She decided to open her own practice and is excelling and her business is doing really well. She works very hard all day and BIG DEAL if she wants to enjoy herself later. To the attorney…I’m proud of you. Continue excelling girl. The sky is yours. And this attorney did not steal from her family because the definition of a pig is someone who REFUSES to give someone else what is rightfully THEIRS.

    Shantell :This is a bunch of ****. first of all Splash News is a U.S to do. furthermore, if that is somone any of you know, it’s obvious you guys are jealous of her. yall have nothing to do with with yall time aye, yall wasting time posting things about other people. trying to down them. grow up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT’S ALL JELOUSY LADY!!!! So what if she parties that doesn’t mean she’s a slut Russell, maybe your mother is a slut!!!!!!!!!Omar, you would think that being a man of your standard and age would know better and do better but you’re just like the low lives on this site. what if someone was to put some **** up about your wife or your daughter, if you have one.

    media Reply:April 1st, 2009 at 12:39 am
    Let us say welcome to the website Shantel. You’ll find Bahamas Press as a Breath of FRESH AIR. However please for the sake of our thousands of daily global readers and regular bloggers, we invite a civil conversation. PLEASE! This website is rated G!
    Bahamas Press/editor

    thank you moderators of BP for insisting on civility, because now i can particpate in this particular thread (eventhough I check BP, like, CNN, a number of times during a day), because i hear what this shantell and the insider has said about this female barrister. i don’t know if she is a jungla as is stated, because if we are all talking about the same female, i don’t need to hang out with her in the jungle, or any barroom, because for a drunk, one drink is too many and a thousand is not enough. and for that fact she only needs to ask her elder and he could tell her or remind her again. Now, I can say who i believe she is because I have been a victim of her unsolicited opening of her spleen to spew bile on me for no good reason. it is obvious to me as a person on the ground that enough clues have been given in BP’s part one for me to figure out that if she has an office by the caves and she’s hanging around again with an equally genetically-disposed alcoholic and the son of my good friend, who he (the father) and i get along well because we stay away from each other, this could only be from my deducing G**L **c**a*t! I hope BP’s moderators don’t find that inappropriate to put my deducing in that fashion. Now, if shantell and insider are talking about the same female, then they could only be running interference, because as the issue was back then and still today, I could not trust with my business because of her slack mouth. So, if her mouth is too slack to handle my business, certainly i don’t need her mouth anywhere else. Well, BP’s i have put a fill in the blanks name out front, now let’s see if we are all on the same page–because if we are, then certainly something is wrong with the picture. She is worse than the farmer who went away and left three servants with his treasures (talents), to manage and safe guard as would be appropriate and responsible. we all now that one multiplied his share, the other safeguared the principle and got interest on wise loan availability, the other hid the treasures in the ground (talents), because he saw the farmer as a man not to take any chances with, which included opportunities for him to grow (small minded and petty). that’s the biblical story, more or less–well this female lawyer did none of the things the three servants did–she went a great leap further and not only secured for herself (by stealth) the farmer’s treasures while he was away, she also secured the two other servants treasures right under their noses (while they were resting the tief was tiefin)–and then had to brass to wait until the farmer came back, to let them all know, “i am out of here and by the way, most of those treasures you left for our safekeeping and growth management, i taking them with me.” Only a ruthless sociopath with a cowardice streak would do something like that to their family–because if it was a stranger…. to me that is the salient point of the lawyer by day and jungla by night because night and day comes without fail. That is the person i know, but maybe we are not all talking about the same person. I have opened a real discussion.

  57. LOL!! JEALOUSY IS A *****!!! I have known this attorney for quite some time. All of those involved in the existence of this article are GREEN WITH ENVY. She decided to open her own practice and is excelling and her business is doing really well. She works very hard all day and BIG DEAL if she wants to enjoy herself later. To the attorney…I’m proud of you. Continue excelling girl. The sky is yours. And this attorney did not steal from her family because the definition of a pig is someone who REFUSES to give someone else what is rightfully THEIRS.

  58. This is a bunch of ****. first of all Splash News is a U.S to do. furthermore, if that is somone any of you know, it’s obvious you guys are jealous of her. yall have nothing to do with with yall time aye, yall wasting time posting things about other people. trying to down them. grow up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT’S ALL JELOUSY LADY!!!! So what if she parties that doesn’t mean she’s a slut Russell, maybe your mother is a slut!!!!!!!!!Omar, you would think that being a man of your standard and age would know better and do better but you’re just like the low lives on this site. what if someone was to put some **** up about your wife or your daughter, if you have one.

    • Let us say welcome to the website Shantel. You’ll find Bahamas Press as a Breath of FRESH AIR. However please for the sake of our thousands of daily global readers and regular bloggers, we invite a civil conversation. PLEASE! This website is rated G!

      Bahamas Press/editor

  59. Please Omar PLEAE Omar let the one million readers to this blog know who this Lawyer is. Thank you in advance.

  60. Look like everybody is tight lip about this Jungalass, I will just have to wait for her name and photo to be revealed. I might know her, because a lot of them is come up in my store….lol…

  61. I just hope this bitch earned her lawyers degree and did not entice her lecturer by showing the goodies.man oh man cant wait to see her face and get her name so that I can tell all family members that if they see her RUUUUUUUUNNNNNNN.

  62. If this is who I think it is she is far from sexy and the article is very accurate… She is a gold digging witch from what I’ve heard…. Karma sucks sometimes!

  63. I know exactly who this woman is and this article is quite accurate. She been doing this a lil while now.. Sexy woman you know! But terrible habits. Her co-workers would swear for her and openly deny that she is this type of person, but trust me whatever you do in the dark will surely come out one day.. This is an absolute disgrace.. I am tempted to post her name..

  64. Bring it on,the 1984 Commission of Enquiry Report was very unkind to this profession.Now a slut is openly showing her wares.I want that name bcos our way of life demamnds that some persons should be above reproach.She reminds me of the lady who demanded the head of John the Baptist.Expose her now b4 she gains power.

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