100% Bahamian? Mr. Blackburn where’s your Bahamian Passport?


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I begin this by again raising the question as to why is Mr. Damion Blackburn, the new CEO of NewCo is here? Perhaps it is to “Digicel-ized” the Bahamas.

Digicel as a company has raped and pillaged our Caribbean Islands for so many years. From, Haiti to most southern, we can cite numerous instances where Digicel under the direction of Dennis O’Brian, sought to once again colonize an independent Caribbean.

We’ve seen corrupt practices like illegal taxation on mobile VIP calls in Haiti. It is also in Haiti, where Digicel as a provider colluded with the Haitian government to institute an illegal tax scheme to line its pockets and subsequently fund an office for the local regulator.

We’ve also seen the attempt to block WhatsApp calls in countries like Haiti, St. Lucia and Barbados, where if were not for the out cry of citizens and advocate groups, Digicel would still be raking in the profits.

Most recently, with the ongoing US presidential campaign, we see the allegations surfacing of corruption, as Digicel is once again cited as one of the entities directing funding to a “Foundation” in exchange for tax breaks, influence and profits. The “Foundation” played a major role in the recovery efforts in Haiti after the devastating earthquake in 2010. A former US President was the public face of the U.S. efforts in Haiti through several recovery roles.

As Peter Schweizer documents in his latest book, Digicel received millions in US tax dollars from USAID, an agency overseen by the State Department, as part of the Haiti Mobile Mobile Initiative. The program was designed to establish a mobile money transfer system that would allow individuals to send donations directly to friends and relatives in Haiti.

Digicel also aided tremendously by the USAID Food for Peace program, which was under the direct control of affiliates from the “Foundation”, to administer mo ney transfer over Digicel’s mobile network. Haitians received cell phones and a free Digicel account; Digicel received grants courtesy of US taxpayers, collected millions in fees from Haitians every time they use the mobile system, which in a very sneaky way significantly expanded its user base.

Outside of Denis O’Brien, there is another common denominator in all of these illicit practices– Mr. Damion Blackburn. Mr. Blackburn, who many deem as the Prince of Digicel and the under study to Mr. Dennis O’Brien.

Damion Blackburn who has now found his way to the Bahamas was recently named CEO of Cable Bahamas NeWCo Cellular Company. While Blackburn ran Digicel’s operations in Haiti, Digicel was faced with evidence of corrupt practices that has many Bahamians scratching their heads.

We have many qualified Bahamians who could have been appointed CEO of NewCo. However, the “100% Bahamian” Cable Bahamas Company chose to appoint a NON Bahamian with questionable practices into their Chief Executive Officer Position.

So we ask the question again, Mr. Blackbrun why are you here. Is it to “Digicel-ized” these islands and rape and pillage the common man?