100 Laptops to Ministry of Education from FTX Digital Markets

Pictured in presentation photo, l-r: Valdez Russell, FTX Vice-President of Communications; Minister of Education and Technical & Vocational Training, the Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin; and Zoe Gibson-Bowleg, FTX Director, Corporate Social Responsibility.   (BIS Photos/Patrick Hanna).

NASSAU, The Bahamas — Teachers in the public school system will be the recipients of 100 laptops donated to the Ministry of Education by FTX Digital Markets. In attendance to receive the laptops, September 22, 2022 was Minister of Education and Technical & Vocational Training, the Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin who thanked representatives of the company.  She told them that it takes a village to raise children and that the government needs all of the help it can get to educate the nation’s youth.  

Director of Education, Marcellus Taylor thanked the company for being responsible corporate citizens and said that the laptops would go a long way in assisting teachers in carrying out their duties, especially after the pandemic plunged education systems around the world into a virtual realm, which has continued to be the new reality of providing education and training to students. The company will be distributing more laptops for educators throughout the country over the coming weeks, for a total donation of 400 laptops. 

Permanent Secretary, Lorraine Symonette served as the moderator for the event, which was held in the foyer of the Ministry of Education’s headquarters in Oakes Field.  Pictured in presentation photo, l-r: Valdez Russell, FTX Vice-President of Communications; Minister of Education and Technical & Vocational Training, the Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin; and Zoe Gibson-Bowleg, FTX Director, Corporate Social Responsibility.   (BIS Photos/Patrick Hanna).