$10,000 stolen/walked out of Exuma Police Station


Bahamian money. file photo.

George Town, Exuma — While police on New Providence are still tight lipped on the happenings on the island of Exuma, BP’s investigative team can now report new investigations have commenced into cash stolen out of the police station in George Town.

How did more than $10,000 walked out of the precinct on the island is the big question being put to local officers on the island.

Bahamas Press is first to report investigators are puzzled as to how did the money vanish from the care of police.

We can tell you the allege daring “inside” robbery has left CID officers puzzled and has left islanders bewildered.

“How could they protect my home from the robber barons if right in the jail the robber is robbing from the police?” a local islander said.

We can tell you the funds were money confiscated by police just days earlier, as a matter involving a local was being investigated. Sources tell us, “It is no question this is an inside job and we are determined to get to the bottom of this.”

This week Tuesday, Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI] officials landed in George Town to investigate a major international car theft ring, which was traced by the department of Homeland Security to the island.

Police last week confiscated two trailers, the possession of a local businessman, which hid the stolen vehicles inside. We are told customs officials cleared the items, however, never thoroughly inspected them and never reported vehicles on the manifest.

The vehicles, now in possession of the authorities include a Yukon, Escalade, Titan and an Accord all of the 2010 variety. One of the vehicles, the Accord, was shipped by investigators into Nassau so as to establish a connection as to who would collect it. But no one showed up for the stolen item.

Sources tell us the vehicles were a set of 17 stolen out of the USA during the past few months, hidden in trailers that had cases of juice and water at the front section of it, all cleared by local Customs officials. The stolen vehicles were hidden at the back.

FBI investigators are questioning a local businessman and are wondering, how did more than 17 stolen vehicles left the United State and found its way into the quaint Bahamian community?


  1. I am very disaponted in have heard of what as happened here on Exuma. My question is(1) Why is that over $10,000.00 is being held in the Police Station, (2) Why was the monies not turned over to the Administrator’s Office to be deposited to the Bahamas Government Deposit Fund Account? (3) If the Police CDU station was broken into why was no arrested on the scence. Anyways this is an inside job and Mr Greenslade needs to come and clean out house n Exuma, because many of the officers were here in Exuma and made themselves to comfortable. That is why the the Exumains do not respect them, the Police are the Criminals themselves.

  2. It is very sad to see, once a beautiful Island crime free, where you could go out for the evening and leave your home unlocked. Bussinesses have camera’s hooked up to monitors which are watched all the time… Exuma is now the place with alarm systems monitors, camera’s, bared windows, dogs and loud horns to keep burglars from doing more damage to there homes or place of business….
    With the bad economy world wide, and no jobs, establishments closed, doesn’t help Exuma, people have had to turn to other means of the $….sad to say…it will get worse before it gets better.
    Sandals Resort is another very sad issue for any Bahamian that want to work!
    How can anyone even pay the electric with no money coming in! And there are always exceptions to the rule! Stealing, to have some or greed to have more or stealing to see if you can just get away with it or because their all drunked up looking for some fun, some can look right in yours eyes and lie, they didn’t do it!
    Interesting or sick what motivates people to do what they do!

  3. $10K stolen from Exuma police station


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    Guardian Staff Reporter


    Over$10,000 has been stolen from the Exuma Central Detective Police Station, police confirmed yesterday.

    Superintendent Morey Evans, officer in charge of Exuma and the Southern Bahamas toldThe Nassau Guardianthat approximately$10,300 was taken out of that station last Wednesday.

    He said police have launched a”widespread investigation”

    and are looking into all possibilities.

    The incident took place sometime between midnight and 9 a.m. at the station which is just outside of George Town, Evans said.

    Culprit(s)smashed the front entrance of the station, and made off with the money.

    Evans said police hope to be in a position to charge someone with the burglary and theft by next week.

    This is the fifth government building to be burglarized in the past four months.

    Last month the Governor’s Harbour Post Office was robbed.

    According to Superintendent Theophilus Cunningham, the officer in charge of the Eleuthera district,$2,480.20 was stolen from a safe in the post office. He said the administrator’s office was untouched.

    Since then, Donardo Sands, 30, of Governor’s Harbour was convicted of shopbreaking in connection with the break-in. He appeared before Magistrate Subu Swain.

    Sands was sentenced to three years imprisonment for each count, however, the sentences will run concurrently.

    Cunningham added that Sands was found in possession of most of the money.

    In August, the Acklins Island Administrator’s Office was robbed.

    Two gunmen forced Acklins administrator Gary Knowles, 42, to open a safe, police said, adding that money inside the safe was stolen.

    Following the robbery, Knowles and his 16-year-old son were taken to a bushy area off a track road some distance away from the office where they were left tied up, police said. The culprits reportedly escaped in Knowles’vehicle.

    It was reported that hours later, sometime around 3 a.m., Knowles and his son were able to free themselves and reported the matter to police.

    Over$250,000 was stolen, police reported.

    Earlier this year thieves broke into the government complex in Andros.

    In June, the Passport Office on Thompson Boulevard was burglarized. There was also a break-in at the Road Traffic Department. In early August there was a break-in at the Accounts Section of the Department of Immigration and prior to that, there was a break-in at the Nassau Street magistrates’court complex, which is located next door to a police station.

    The bandits reportedly burglarized a magistrate’s office and tampered with a safe in the adjoining prosecutors’office. Prior to that incident a culprit entered the Nassau chambers of Senior Supreme Court Justice Jon Isaacs through his office window. Several items were stolen including an oscillating fan, several surge protectors and a wall clock. The door to the office was also defaced.

    Four men were charged with various offenses committed at the Nassau Street court complex, the Passport Office, the Department of Immigration and the Road Traffic Department. They reportedly stole cash and other items including bulletproof vests.

  4. Forgot to add, this is 2010 if I recall correctly..the major Family Islands all need a resident Magistrate. When since Civil Servants get to decide where they are posted in this flickin’ country? Too much slackness, and it starts with folk who run theses Departments day to day..no Doctors in Family Island clinics, and they bouncin’ off each other here in Nassau?!

  5. Is is just me, or what? when since CID does close? Isn’t it a 24hr operation with at least 1 person in the office at all times? Thank god for the new Police laws. Time to fire rouge officers, starting with the Officer in charge and his/her deputy…

  6. It’s really quite interesting to see the chit chat about Exuma on the internet and living here. It’s been years since the island has been without a fire truck and every so often there is a fire that leaves either a family or some without a structure. So I say Exumians need to take matters into their own hands and make it their business to see that Exuma gets what it deserves… As for CID being broken into…. It is in fact old news ….. and we understand that files were the target of the day…. Let’s get the facts right now… The circuit court magistrate is expected to arrive on the island sometime this week to hear a number of BIG matters… so some persons decided that we are going get rid of our files so that there wouldn’t be a case against us! But they are holding some one in this matter…. So I heard….

  7. u know its a shame why is the station holding 10,000 cash in and office and who would know that this is in the office so it really makes me wonder is this an inside job….so please lets start investigating from within the office then out to the streets instead of running round harrassing others check with your officers cause they had to know what was there….lets get together and help exuma be the beautiful island it once was…….please help us on this island

  8. I share your concerns and comments. It was my house that burned down. Nothing now but four ready to collapse exterior walls and piles of ashes (used to be memories). My wife and I have worked hard to restore/rebuild the hurricane special that we bought in early 1997.

    So much for dreams …

    • Richard….Very sorry about your home…..We thought our house was a goner also, because of the heat and embers flying everywhere, I am so thankful it didn’t catch on fire……

      • Arson likely cause of fire.

        Apparently the house was broken into and multiple items stolen just before the fire destroyed the house. A local businessman found a large plastic storage tote (with my name and address on it) in the bush at the top of the hill (100 yards from property). The contents represented a mix of power tools, hardware and misc household items that were selected from several locations in the locked storage closet. When the evidence was presented to the police, there reaction was basically that the previously submitted report listed the fire as non-specific or electrical and they didn’t see the need to pursue it further. EVERYTHING in the structure was incinerated. Therefore the container had to have been removed prior to the fire (along with two bicycles). Based on several other break-ins in the local area, you would think that they would be more responsive. There are some sick and disturbed group of people that are destroying the peace and tranquility of the island. Be careful!

  9. lb, Man things seem to be getting out of order down there in Exuma. Since you suggest that this is an OLD story, perhaps you could update us on some of the NEWER ones.

    My question on these cars is, how did they ever get Licensed and Inspected. Was another Branch of our Government involved in this mess.

    Before you can License a new car, you have to show a Duty Paid Receipt. How did these people get past that requirement? Just Curious.

  10. as an exumian visiting home its shameful to see what is happening here….guns, money and drugs were stolen i understand and last night i witnessed a house burn to the ground and all the police said is we cant do anything because there is no fire engine on the island….so the police here is just pitiful how in the hell all this happen here on this little island….and by the way this is old news here so get the news up to date please…

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