High School Diploma Graduation Ceremony in New Providence


Minister for Education Hon. Jeff Lloyd at podium.

Nassau, The Bahamas – The Ministry of Education held the inaugural High School Diploma graduation ceremony for New Providence district schools June 14 at the Thomas A. Robinson National stadium.

Over 900 students from the four districts graduated having met the Ministry’s requirements, which not only nurtured the academic facet of the student’s life but also promoted holistic development.

All students achieved at least a 2.0 grade point average, and in addition to achieving academic stipulations, completed job readiness and community service programmes, and maintained 90 percent attendance/punctuality.

Minister of Education the Hon. Jeffrey Lloyd (at podium) admonished the graduates to be their best and to become certified in their chosen fields. Graduating students are pictured marching into the stadium.


(BIS Photos/Patrick Hanna)