$11 Million worth of Public Money DELIVERED! FNMs ready to take Elizabeth in By-Election


Bahamas Elections

Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham.

Nassau, Bahamas Bahamas Press is reporting more today on the FNM’s plot to take the full hog following a by-election in Elizabeth. A source deep in the Party tells BP a second contract will be inked today, “And the money will flow thereafter.”

The henchman in the FNM said, “Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham has left his goon, Dr. Hubert Minnis, in-charge to begin the plot to steal the PLP seat.” Dr. Hubert Minnis/ Minister of Health

We’ve learned the minister, who acts like a goon at times, will deliver the government’s signing of over $8 million dollars of public money in construction works to Telco Enterprises for the construction of a new health facility at the Sandilands Rehabilitative Centre.

The source added, “With direct orders from theCHIEF’, [who declares he’s not a cookie jar thief], all workers on the project must come from inside the Elizabeth constituency.

Malcolm Adderley is the current PLP Member of Parliament for the Elizabeth constituency. The MP is expected to resign from his parliamentary seat to become a member on the Supreme Court bench. Adderley, who serves with the blessings of PLP leader, Perry Christie, is the current Chairman of the Gaming Board and answers to his boss Ingraham every day.

malcolm-adderleyReaders should also know the owner of the construction company awarded the contract is Ingraham’s bootlicker Floyd Wilmott. The contract will also add to the current colossal hemorrhage of public funds doled out of the National Insurance Board to suit FNM cronies.

Bahamas Press knows it was just last month when another Party goon, former MP Gregory Williams, who has never built a chair in his life, signed a $3.5 million contract to construct a building at Sandilands. He we are told was given the same instructions by the Chief to hire no one outside Elizabeth constituency.

On Tuesday staw vendors saw light at the end of the tunnel once again and perhaps the suffering under the hot tent will be over. The Ingraham government signed an $11.1 million contract to build a new Straw Market at the original site. The contract was issued to Cavalier Construction.

bethelcarlfnmconv09Carl Bethel the former Education minister was kicked out of the class and we are told is hiring temporary workers in the government’s programme in Elizabeth. We are also told BPSU President John Pinder is lobbying for the Elizabeth seat . This is incredible news! While Ingraham abuses government workers, Pinder at present is agreeing with the resignation of the Customs Officers, forced to resign by Ingraham. WHAT IS THIS?

Noticeably though, with all the new construction underway: highways and road corridors, schools, hospitals, clinics, parks, beach scenes, habour dredging and new docking facilities. With all the construction of the new courts, with justices appointed. Added with the new $400 million construction at the Lynden Pindling Airport terminal along with construction at other government building sites, the PLP better watch out and pray the FNM don’t < span id="wsPlainWord_398">STOP, CANCEL and REVIEWDEM’!!!

Bahamas Press projects the money will flow in Elizabeth and if you want to get some, start moving in the area now.


  1. Well, PLP will lose with Christie at the helm anyway. Perhaps this first defeat will make him realise that he has to retire. Or perhaps as the whisper amongst high ranking PLPs gets louder for his departure, perhaps this is one decision he won’t take too long to make.

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