Police have arrested fourteen (14) adult males, including the leader of the Coalition of Independence (C.O.I), along with four (4) adult females, for Unlawful Assembly ahead of the 2023 Caricom meeting.
Initial reports indicated that, sometime between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday 15th February, 2023 officers posted at various check points in the Western district of New Providence, for the protection of V.I.P guests attending the Caricom meeting, were met with resistance, from a group of persons.
The group, who did not have proper authorization to hold a protest, were asked to disperse and leave the area immediately which they refused. Subsequently, eighteen (18) persons were arrested for the following offences: Unlawful Assembly, Resisting Arrest and Causing a Nuisance.
Police wish to inform members of the public that the safety and security of ALL Diplomats attending Caricom will be treated seriously and with the strictest enforcement of the law. Additionally, the public is advised to avoid the conference area if they can as much as possible for the next two days.