There is bloodshed in the city as ‘Rasta’ is shot in the head

The scene of murder on Fire Trail West. There is Bloodshed in the city on this Blessed Sunday.

Nassau, Bahamas Bahamas Press is reporting a robbery in the Fire Trail Road west area, which has left another man a victim of murder.

The young man believed to be in has late 30s could be seen lying face down with a bullet wound to the head. His body laid near the hood in front of a red Ford Explorer jeep.

The incident occurred just minutes ago around 5:20pm this afternoon, and gathered a team of officers from the Royal Bahamas Police and EMS services to the area.

When we reached to the scene, family members and friends of the victim had already gathered.

Early reports tell us the victim managed a liquor store in the area, which was held up by bandits. It is then reported a gunman opened fire on the store operator.

When police arrived to the scene, the deceased laid motionless wearing blue jeans pants and an orange and black shirt. Friends know the victim as Rasta. Police are now underway opening their investigations.

This is Murder #164th since 2009.


  1. I’m a little belated but this man is my big cousin and I find it in poor taste for a person to assume that it could of been another reason other than robbery because of the size of the shop…. anyways I gone leave that one rite there Mr. Larry ! RIP cuz

  2. Behind all of this, there lies a reason for everything, but someone please help me to find that reason for this cold-hearted murder. I’m sure nothing is ever that bad to take someone’s life.The person/persons held responsible for this criminal act will get what they deserve. I won’t wish nothing upon them but karma is going to hit them hard. My uncle was a man with a warm heart and a gentle soul. He will be greatly missed by his family and friends. I know many hearts are broken from this tragedy but life goes on, new obstacles are formed and there will be a time that we all will meet again. So sleep on Uncle, may the souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace. I will forever love you!

  3. Come on man. If you rob the store, why kill the person too?! This is beyond numbing. I don’t know how long this violence will go on, with the idiots in government not saying or doing squat. soon the bahamas won’t have a population. maybe the rich/white foreingers will be the only surviving ones.

    • wow that story was sad and senseless smt wat wrong wit deez ppl? May God be with you brittani and the freidns of mr. tynes i felt especially saddened becuase i live in the carmichael area but don’t worry that person who took his life, his day is coming. i feel sorry for him

  4. I want the person that did this to my uncle to hurt the way that he has brought hurt and pain to my family. He took the life of a loving father, son, brother and uncle. My uncle was more than just an uncle to me he was my best friend….an though every part of me hopes that the person responsible burns in hell….i have to remember that God never puts more on me than i can bear. so to his killer, your day is coming…..BELIEVE THAT. I thank everyone for their kind words.

  5. The sick Perpetrator must have either had a previous beef with the victim, or was strung out on drugs. Not really sure if robbery was quite the intended motive here, because it wouldn’t make sense robbing that store as it is small and probably has little cash on hand, especially on a Sunday. But on a Sunday evening when it was still daylight am sure someone, who either lived nearby or driving by, had to have seen the perpetrator.

  6. Jo was 39 not 40…he was a very hard working man, that took his life and that of his children’s very serious. A dedicated father,a respectful son to his mother and to me personally, a friend. Just where I saw and spoke to him last, he died…same spot…rest in peace my friend…

    • Joe my friend…it is so sad to see that (dogs) can just pull up on you and jus lick shoots and nothin is done. You find the jokers, murderers and wht the courts does? put them on bail….kill them in rawson square and torture them as they did to hardworking person….GOD knows best The Tynes family have my condolences and remember JOE is in a better place tonite.

  7. father in da name of jesus i ask that u cover us in ur blood Father as we come b4 you today i ask that u keep the family of mista tynes rap in ur arms so that they will have a humble mind in ur name jesus and i ask that u open a path way for them and that u may go b4 them so they will follow in ya footsteps jesus in ur name amen.

  8. When will it STOP? People work hard for there money and for someone to rob that man and take his life is GUTLess. It’s time to start hanging folks for real. Yes, I said it, and so what, a life for a life people..

    • What is going on with the Police and the citizens of the Bahamas. What’s going on!!!! Old time traditions needs to be enforced!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Bahamas Press can confirm the victim is 40 year-old Joe Tynes. Joe was the owner of the store robbed by bandits today.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  10. Sad indeed. Senseless crime!

    Note: I know your stories are breaking news BP, but you can’t be in such a hurry to publish your stories that you don’t proofread for errors.

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