BREAKING NEWS <<< Beech King Air 100 nine seater model crash lands in Long Island

Southern Air Crash Lands on Long Island. ALL PASSENGERS SAFE!!

Landing Gear Fail

Engine bent. Beech king air 100 nine seater

Nassau, Bahamas — Breaking news coming into Bahamas Press confirm a Southern Air plane crash landed in Long Island shortly after 2PM today.

Reports from the island reaching our news desk also confirms ALL OF THE PASSENGERS ARE INDEED UNHARMED and are being interviewed by local police officials on the island.


The crash was a result of a failed landed gear which failed to release upon approach of the runway.

The flight we are told crash landed as it approach Long Island’s Buckley’s terminal. We know the flight left LPIA shortly after 1pm.

At this hour we are counting some seven to nine passengers were onboard the Beech king air 100 nine seater model.

Now some are asking what was BP doing in Long Island today? We were covering the PM along with Cabinet leaker when the incident unfolded.

In fact the PM left shortly afterwards on RBDF plane. He was taking no chances.

We can report Neko cussed out Pineapple Air pilots that were flying him and other Cabinet Ministers out – right in front of tourists, who were shocked!

The Government MPs here for opening of Mangrove Bush Primary class room block.

Ingraham also met with fishermen after giving Chinese license to fish in Bahamian waters..

Meeting didn’t go well as he told them he could do nothing with poachers.

He asked them to wait 5 years.

We can report yinner decide!


  1. BP…. in response to this “heads up” I am really wondering whether the PM knows that the Chinese have used up ALL their inhabitable land, the air is polluted in China because of all the factories producing the products that they sell to the West for really cheap prices, that we all can afford to buy, and in order for them to continue development they have to now build high rise buildings, like the 30-storey hotel building they constructed in 15 days recently…. with this in mind, I think that The Bahamas is one of the most cleanest, most beautiful countries on the face of this earth, still awaiting ‘discovery’ by BAHAMIANS, with no or minimim air pollution, we could still fish from our waters and actually eat our catch; our cool breeze keep us healthy, and we enjoy our land because we could breathe clean un-polluted air, plant crops without the threat of radiation poisioning, except from the sun, which accounts for our measure of Vit. D. We still have land left for civic and educational development, and now he, the P.M. is giving our birthright away like he is the only matriach in the Bahamas with the authority to decide for us….. I have a voice, and I would like to go on record as saying, “we have already given away more than we could afford, please leave The Bahamas for our grand children and great grands”, not because we are aging and leaving this world should we not care what happens to our generation when we are gone. There is a price for the love of money….and it is called “CORRUPTION” Please give our children a chance to enjoy the life we did as children growing up in The Bahamas!I seal this reqiest with the “Precious Blood of Jesus Christ”

    Thank You!.

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