See Link to Jamaica Observer article:

Nassau, Bahamas — Yesterday, BP cautioned the government to be careful with their handling of the Digicel affair. By now our readers know that BP does its homework and it turns out we have even more to be concerned about.
Some time back, the Jamaican Police Force discovered PJ ‘Bag ‘O Money” Patterson, representing Digicel again, on board a private plane headed to Cuba with a bag full of US dollars as he was seeking to negotiate a deal with the Cuban Telephone company. Ole “Bag O’ Money” Patterson couldn’t explain to the Jamaican people why he had a bag full of cash with him when he was headed to a private business meeting. Needless to say, Digicel got that phone deal with the Cuban company and the bag of money was never seen again……Hmmmmmmmm
So, BP is on alert. And we will be doing some more investigating. We want our Prime Minister to tell PJ “Bag O’ Money” Patterson that we will NOT be bought for 30 pieces of silver or a bag of US cash. BP’s position is as follows:
Hold NO more private meetings with “Bag O’ Money” Patterson or persons from any other Telephone company until the government establishes the process to award additional telephone licences. Unlike the FNM, we don’t want no behind the doors dealing. Let’s make sure everyone gets a fair shake at this stick
Insist that any 2nd mobile licence be MAJORITY OWNED by Bahamians. At LEAST 60 percent. Be consistent, Mr. Prime Minister. It is time to create some new Bahamian millionaires and not just enrich the pockets of foreign companies. Digicel already have their “Bag O’ Money” – so much so that they could send some to our broke Cuban brothers. Time for Bahamians to have the investments to earn their own “bag ‘o money”.
Say NO to RED STORM. If Digicel comes in as a minority partner with a Bahamian company, tell them to leave that RED right there in Jamaica. Veteran PLP operatives are already cautioning the Prime Minister to tell Digicel that they can bring NO Red Storm with them. Find a proud Bahamian colour instead. We join with the Gold Rush crew and insists that the PM say NO to RED.
And we have more to come on Digicel and their legendary wheeling and dealing throughout the Caribbean and around the world….And if our WUTLESS MEDIA was worth anything they would get up off of their collective arses and actually do five minutes of research themselves. But while they sleep, we will work.