FNM Senator Lanisha Rolle is being crucified for her brutal honesty


FNM Parliamentarians Loretta Butler-Turner and Lanisha Rolle.
FNM Parliamentarians Loretta Butler-Turner and Lanisha Rolle.

By Jerry Roker
for Bahamas Press

Opponents of FNM Leader, Dr. Minnis, inside of his party, are relentless in their criticism of FNM Senator Lanisha Rolle for calling into a radio talk show and calling out those within her party for doing a butcher job on her leader. Just a few short months ago, these same people applauded then PLP Ft. Charlotte MP, local dentist, Dr. Andre Rollins, for his plural assaults (mostly personal) on PM Christie. Fact is, they subsequently welcomed him to their side.

It is no secret that former Deputy Leader of the FNM, Mrs. Loretta Butler-Turner, continues to covet her leader’s job, despite a humiliating defeat at his hands less than two years ago. In my opinion, in her pursuit of Dr. Minnis’ job, she has oftentimes been very disrespectful and condensending, to say the least.

While I am a strong proponent of all organizations, including political parties washing their dirty laundry ‘inside the house’ as it were, what Senator Rolle said is somewhat diminutive when compared with the vitriol visited upon Dr. Minnis by the ‘men’ in the party, inclusive of the three ‘white knights’; Scott/Lightbourne/Symonette.

For the most part, hardly a month passes when some ‘elder statesman’ in the party, gossied by one of the morning tabloids, doesn’t heap scorn upon Dr. Minnis. To his credit, the good doctor goes about his job, seeming unperturbed. He pulls a ‘Christie’ on them. He could fight fire with fire, but he obviously has the maturity to remain focused on what he is all about.

It is increasing evident, that many in the FNM see their power and I dare say, gravy-train, should the FNM win with Minnis, being no more and they would do whatever it takes to keep both in their grasp. They are really a bunch of jonsers.