Ministry Of Education, Science and Technology Delegation call on Permanent Representative Rahming


A delegation from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology are pictured with His Excellency Dr. Elliston Rahming (fourth from right), Bahamas Permanent Representative to the OAS and the United Nations, and Mr. Mikhail Bullard (third from left), Second Secretary, Embassy of The Bahamas. The visiting delegation is comprised of: Deputy Permanent Secretary Janice Knowles, Deputy Director Serethea Clarke, Senior Executive Officer Valerie Gaitor, Scholarships Administrator Reginald Saunders, Assistant Director Michelle Sears, Deputy-Director Dr. Marcellus Taylor (not pictured) and Consultant Agatha Archer.
A delegation from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology are pictured with His Excellency Dr. Elliston Rahming (fourth from right), Bahamas Permanent Representative to the OAS and the United Nations, and Mr. Mikhail Bullard (third from left), Second Secretary, Embassy of The Bahamas. The visiting delegation is comprised of: Deputy Permanent Secretary Janice Knowles, Deputy Director Serethea Clarke, Senior Executive Officer Valerie Gaitor, Scholarships Administrator Reginald Saunders, Assistant Director Michelle Sears, Deputy-Director Dr. Marcellus Taylor (not pictured) and Consultant Agatha Archer.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A delegation from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology paid a courtesy call on His Excellency Dr. Elliston Rahming, Permanent Representative of The Bahamas to the Organization of American States (OAS), on Wednesday, August 31, 2016, at his office as current Chair of the OAS Permanent Council at the OAS headquarters at 17th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W.

Dr. Rahming, who is also The Bahamas’ Permanent Representative and Ambassador to the United Nations, assumed the chairmanship of the OAS Permanent Council on July 1 for a three-month period, ending September 30.

The Bahamian delegation is visiting Washington DC to chair technical preparatory meetings on September 1st – 2nd related to the work of the Inter-American Committee, particularly the construction of an Inter-American Education Agenda, with the OAS Secretariat and representatives of Bolivia, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic.

The Bahamas assumed chairmanship of the Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE) in April, 2016, and will be hosting the 9th Inter-American​Meeting of Ministers of Education in Nassau in February 2017, where it is anticipated that the Inter-American Education Agenda will be adopted.​ The three lines of action of the Inter-American Education Agenda are: quality, inclusive and equitable education; strengthening the teaching profession and comprehensive early childhood care.

The visiting delegation is comprised of: Deputy Permanent Secretary Janice Knowles, Deputy Director Serethea Clarke, Senior Executive Officer Valerie Gaitor, Scholarships Administrator Reginald Saunders, Assistant Director Michelle Sears, Deputy-Director Dr. Marcellus Taylor, and Consultant Agatha Archer.