Junkanooers fighting for tickets? The world has changed and so must we!


junkanoo-festivalNassau BahamasSomeone needs to tell the sons and daughters of the African Diaspora THE WORLD HAS CHANGED . Someone needs to teach them and educate them in saying, THE WORLD IS Different today than it was several years ago!”

Gone are the days when you purchased tickets, paid bills or ordered supplies in person. Someone needs to tell the African Childrenthe world has moved from that place where you commit CHAOS and CONFUSION while sweating on long lines.

Bahamas Press found it weird to see big grown men and women at the Sir Kendal Isaac Gym early this morning brazing the rain and chilly cold temperatures to purchase Junkanoo tickets. When the ticket booths were opened, the children of African decent were out in full force cussing, fighting, and creating chaos. Why cant we as a people learn? Why are we so hard head? WHAT ‘CUSS’ IS THIS THAT HAS COME UPON US? Why is it we have to getjookup’ on a line before we understand this is not the way to pay for Junkanoo tickets?

When are we going to learn you don’t need to walk into BEC, BTC or Cable Bahamas and drop down with a massive heart attack after waiting half-a-day battling through the LONG TRAFFIC JAMS in an effort to pay more spend more money than you ought to pay on our bills? THIS IS MADNESS AND THE RESULTS OF THINKING PRIMITIVE!

Paying online removes the risks of getting in an accident, driving drunk or getting caught up in one-a-‘demhighspeed shootouts, which occur in Nassau almost every hour.

People we need to change our mindsets. We need a paradigm shift in the way we think and do business. You can be in Nassau and order prime time front row seats from your living room anywhere in the world and purchase tickets for the Super Bowl. You can sit in your bedroom and order software right now and down load it onto your computer RIGHT NOW! Not fly to Miami to get it.

Or better yet, you can have a graphic artist ready on 24 hour call – as we do – in Denver, an Editor in Grand Bahama, and publisher in Miami, a shipper in Tampa and a custom broker at the Betty K. You can get your work done in one day without moving. You can do this and save money people!

This is the very reason why we ‘CUSSED’ Tourism earlier in the year for not having a single video ad ONLINE, knowing full well people all over the world are reading Bahamas Press.



  1. Media, add to that the  need to  make our purchases, by credit,  debit cards ,or cheques. Eliminating the need for shopowners to have so much cash on hand.  Stores being held up would be almost non-existent.

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