Young American Law Student Raped by Livery Driver on Paradise Island



Paradise Island, BahamasAtlantis Cove Resort could face a civil lawsuit in the Supreme Court for its failure to record and follow-up a report of rape involving a young American while on property in early February.

Bahamas Press can confirm the rape incident took place, according to sources, near the entrance of the Cove and involved a livery tour operator who shuttles for the hotel.

The young law student we can confirm, who was intoxicated at the time, was thrown out of a nightclub on property. It was then, according to sources, while the young woman was being escorted to her room the rape incident occurred.

A hotel report confirms the woman was taken into a livery vehicle where she was assaulted by the driver. We are told the driver then threw the woman out of car and left her disoriented at the door of the property.

Bahamas Press has learned family members in New York are distraught by the incident arguing that Atlantis failed to report the matter to police in Nassau.

Theyve attempted to coverup this the entire ordeal and to this day we have not gotten any response from the hotel on the matter. We unfortunately have no recourse but settle the matter in a court of law,” a family spokesman told Bahamas Press.

A local resort official also told BP the incident is not the only one of its kind, “We continue to have these reports of rape by livery drivers here at Atlantis, but it appears the hotel property continues to keep such reports hushhush covered-up in a web of secrecy.”

Bahamas Press has scanned files at Atlantis, which confirms the incident indeed took place on Saturday, 14th February 2009. No report has been issued to police on the incident.

We understand the perpetrator of this rape crime is a livery driver known by his street name, Gaddafi’.


  1. Stay Tuned we have a Christmas greeting for Christie Objective Thought, so Stay Tuned.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  2. Boy Media, I don’t know why you would say such things to me because I only speak my mind and I let people know when I am joking.. I know that you are just saying that because I am a PC fan…

    You sound more and more like Bodie daily attacking your guests!!!

    Merry Christmas to all!!

  3. What kind of people Atlantis hiring to drive their limousines? It sounds like they need to do a more detailed background check on these people. I always believed their backgrounds checks were almost as good as the one the police force does, they must be slipping up aye? You mean these rapists have limousine to be raping people in now, I know I used to hear about the Jet Ski operators carrying the tourists on those little undeveloped cays and raping them and heard plenty horrible stories about those bus drivers, but now it sounds like this livery driver trying to make the list. This happened on Feb 14? That was Valentine’s Day, why didn’t he go to his wife or girlfriend if he had one at the time to satisfy his urges instead of tasking advantage of this woman. He that desperate he cant find a woman to have sex with him willingly? If this is true I would like to see his deed catches up with him and went he gets to Fox Hill Prison for him to learn what it feel like to be taken advantage of and to have his body invaded against his will.

  4. Vengeance, just to answer back to you, if I want to reply to something I need it fixed don’t I?, why don’t you deal with the subject at hand, shut your hole and keep out of peoples business, thank you BP, for your response, I saw Objective Thoughts comment and wanted to add my concern.

  5. What elase you don’t like about the site Objective Thought? We like it and so do others. But if you monitor you comments on here you like very little what we do. But at least you can freely say it on here.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  6. I agree with Objective Thought, the upgrade has a better look, but the “reply” is giving me trouble, I don’t see anything on the site to show how fix this.

    • i thought these replies were to the topic at hand….not the upgrade of the site………focus on the serious matters and not the  trivial……Persons have been getting away with 2 much

      • You would know Vengeance there are always deflectors to an argument. You are sooo right, there is a section commenting on the site upgrade, yet they seek to post their comment on a serious matter at hand, RAPE! When it ain’t the lil children in the country it is the tourist.

        Boy we in trouble. And they can call it cumbersome all the want [the upgrade] following it BP has experienced RECORD-BREAKING hits for the month.

        Bahamas Press/Editor

  7. @BP.. I think that your last supposedly upgrade to this site was more like a downgrade…  I don’t like the structure that is now in place. It’s irritating… This is one of the worse upgrades that I have ever witnessed.. Get it right BP, even if it means reverting to its former structure…

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