Stolen Vehicles Left Abandoned and Ramsacked On the Streets of the Capital


This is the current state of a vehicle now parked just off Milo Bulter Highway. The picture tells a thousand words about the developments of crime in The Bahamas. Car thieves holding up ordinary citizens for a fast get-a-way is becoming the norm across the country. We at have seen this scene of abandoned vehicles too often lately to avoid highlighting this grave problem in the country. A few weeks ago a resident in the eastern section of New Providence told of a shocking story that was captured via their private security camera. Car thieves drove up onto the resident’s carport practically stripped to pieces the homeowner’s vehicle removing all tyres, the hood, bumper and doors off the car. Another story was told recently where a resident in the west told us how his neighbour’s car was seen towed right out of the driveway by a tow truck, all to be told later, that the car was indeed stolen. Another lady reported how she was heldup at gunpoint, and her car stolen by the gunmen all to be found several days later near 3rd Terrace East burned to its frame. The spike in these crimes suggest clearly that the Bahamas is headed no where but south as the fear of crime rise and criminal activity sinks the country into a deep black hole. What is worse, persons are now stripping away these abandoned/stolen vehicles. This action by others clearly sets a boil pot of crime in the country. This coupled with the fact that officers of the law continue to shut their eyes as they drive pass and fail to investigate these abandon vehicles, confirms how bad the crime situation really is in the country. The car below is in the Carmichael Road west area. Eyewitnesses said the car collided with another on Sunday 10th, and the occupants fled the scene into the immediate area. The car believed to have been stolen, is now being stripped away by citizens. The car is less than three feet off the main Carmichael Road.


  1. It is a very sad commentary not only on POLICE but also on us as private citizens.My car was stolen from in my yard, around 6:00 in the morning.To date no word from the police on not even whether it had been found,much less if someone is going to be charged for it. SHAME/SHAME.

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