Is the Royal Bahamas Police Force exercising its independence when it comes to investigations?


Is Omar Archer now directing the Royal Bahamas Police Force? These same programmes brought Haiti to its knees; persecutions, mistrust, suspicion, hate, kangaroo courts, along with an atmosphere of fear perpetrated by the vicious and dreaded Tonton Macoute!

Maria Daxon, Attorney Fred Smith and FNM political hack known to police Omar Archer.

Nassau, Bahamas – A very serious question must be asked when it comes to the Royal Bahamas Police Force these days and the turn of events that, in the last few days, has resulted in the arrest and detention of politicians.

We ask the question: Is the Royal Bahamas Police Force exercising its independence when it comes to investigations? Or are a few political operatives and their minions manipulating the Force today?

Over the weekend a political hack for a Save the Bays Board Member, and spokesman for PM Dr. Hubert Minnis, Omar Archer, circulated via social media live online feed suggesting to his audience that he is in possession of case files in reference to politicians, who were said to be under some review by the new anti-corruption division created since the May 10th, 2017 General Election.

What is this?

– How low now can we go? These attempts at political retribution are the root causes of what destroyed Haiti’s civility and Order.

– Is the Police in the Bahamas today being directed by the lowest on the totem pole of political hacks, sullying their independence in making inquiries?

– Have we allowed the Haitian-born Save the Bays Board Member to recreate the catalyst which brought Haiti to its knees; persecution, mistrust, suspicion, hate, kangaroo courts, along with an atmosphere of fear perpetrated by the vicious and dreaded Tonton Macoute???

– Why would someone who is known to police and who has had multiple violations of the law now be online reading case files?

– Who in the Attorney General’s Office and/or The Police Force is tolerating this naked abuse of the rule of law in this country? Imagine that! People who have run afoul of the law themselves are on social media discussing how they have papers soon to be handed over to some investigative branch in order to jail, arrest and detain some other member of this society?

Police work hard and long in this country to correct the rot in our society, but under no circumstances should this appearance of a corruption of justice being played out in this fashion be tolerated!!!

This is just wicked!

We report yinner decide!