PLP Deputy Chairman on Adderley Resignation



by ?Alex Storr

National Deputy Chairman

PLP?January 6, 2010


As the current events in the Malcolm Adderley saga continue to unfold, it is my duty to voice the concerns of the younger members of both party and country. This recent defection is a glaring example of why the younger voters grow increasingly disillusioned with politics in The Bahamas. As we enter into an exciting New Year and decade, the popular buzzword of the current generation is “change”. A change to a new political era where politicians can be counted on and their word is considered their bond.  An era in which politicians put service to the people who put them into their cherished positions above self interest and reward.

This betrayal of trust by Malcolm Adderley is no surprise though it is a shock for me to witness someone I once held in high regard turn his back on his constituents in favour of his own selfish interest. Though the FNM led by Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham would deny their role in this scheme, the Bahamian people are no fools and can clearly recognize the modus operandi of Hubert Alexander Ingraham. One would only have to recall the jeers thrown by FNM Members of Parliament in the House of Assembly over the past two and a half years to realise that they are the true architects of these events. In fact, as the history books have recorded, had it not been for disgruntled PLP’s, there would indeed be no FNM. The same FNM that would seek to celebrate and even reward the actions of Mr. Adderley, yet it is not an example of behaviour they would wish their own parliamentarians to follow no matter the level of discontent with the leadership of their party.n636832540_1549-1

While I wholeheartedly agree that there is a need to strengthen the judicial system of our beloved country to combat the escalating scourge of crime that has law abiding citizens living in a constant state of fear and threatens our sacred tourism industry, I am quite confident that Mr. Adderley is not the only qualified and willing applicant in the entire Commonwealth of the Bahamas that the FNM Government could entice to fill that void.  I wish Mr. Adderley well in the next phase of his career and pray that he delivers an even higher level of service than he did for the residents of Elizabeth.

I wish to assure the Bahamian people that Our Leader has the full support of our party and whenever the need arises, the PLP will march united into the Elizabeth constituency to ensure that victory is delivered for the PLP and that the great people of Elizabeth continue to be represented by a party that cares for them, their concerns and needs and views them as more than political pawns in a game to be bought and sold by the highest bidder.


  1. i want to know if infact that the good people of Elizabeth had an input as it relates to choosing themselves along with the candidates committee! you do have a voice ELIZABETH! who ever started the rumor of bradley running in that area? i dont know why Marvin Pinder was moved from Elizabeth. he tried his best in North Eleuthera, saint johns at that time  it was called . but looks like his son has a good chance for the nomination in elizabeth. is the branch functioning yet? what is the NGC member doing?

  2. Malcolm Adderley was on the news

    speaking arrogantly about his options, he was saying he could go back to practicing law or he could apply to be a judge and after he had finished making his comment, I was left with the impression that he couldn’t careless about who he had hurt or disappointed, because as far as he was concerned he had OPTIONS and either way he felt he would be straight. His attitude helped me to see just how self absorbing some of these politicians can be; he had no remorse for the way things ended between himself and PC. He didn’t care about those residents of Elizabeth Estate who might have felt that he was very ineffective in their area. He seemed mostly concerned about himself and his options. If Malcolm wasn’t happy with the PLP and wanted to move on, I see nothing wrong with that. It just that I think people need to learn to do things in a decent way and be careful about burning these bridges behind them, because they never know when they would have to cross back over them. I worked a few places, where I wasn’t please with the conditions, but nobody could ever say I resorted to a game of hide and seek or my boss had to run behind me to find out what my intentions were. I am grown woman; I don’t have time to play these games. I have always believed in being upfront and professional with people. Malcolm might have endless career options, but the way he went about this situations, I felt he acted worse than a child. He come across as very spiteful and petty; every time he mentioned PC you could hear the bitterness and resentment in his voice. It can’t be that serious, he needs to learn to let it go and move on.

    • No he dont care Kim… He could careless about the people in Elizabeth he dont even show up to his own constituency meetings and this been happening from 2002 yet Perry Christie put him back there in 2007. DONT YOU THINK PERRY GOT WHAT HE DESERVED?  ALSO kim why would he care about Perry Christie…. let me remind you that from before 07 everybody said that he was a FNM SPY. OH YES he used to go Lyford Cay and TALK EVERYTHING TO PAPA. ALSO you have to understand that a few of his collegues disrespected him on many occasions saying he is a SNITCH which is accurate but still disrespectful. So thats why he has some sort of bitterness for PC. PC STUPID DOE HE SHOULDNT HAVE LET HIM STAYED IN 2007 SO DONT HAVE NO REMORSE. A leader learn from their mistakes THE FIRST TIME and fix them where there wont be no SECOND. Serious times called for Tested leadership.,

      • Bahamasyouth,  Malcolm is not the only one, a lot of these politicians don’t check for their constituents unless it is time for election. I can’t agree that Perry got exactly what he deserves, because I believe Malcolm wanted to hurt him and he saw this as an opportunity to get back at him for something that he might have felt he did to him. Holding on to hatred and malice and trying to get back at people out of spite and bitterness is not something that should be considered an honorable thing, I believe that’s what has the country in the predicament that it finds itself in now. People need to work on resolving their differences and be more forgiving of each other’s short comings. Now, I do agree with you about Perry being a weak leader and I feel he really needs to do an reassessment of the people that he has in his corner, because he seems to have a knack for drawing close these disloyal and treacherous persons to be on his team, who seems to be looking out only for what they can get out of him and the PLP. Before the last PLP and FNM convention, I wanted both leaders to go sit down and take care of their health and give someone else a chance to see if things would be any different, but that wasn’t going to be. Perry convinced the people he had changed and he was up for the challenge. Well, Ingraham didn’t give the people much of a choice, because no one on his team had balls enough to challenge him for the leadership position. I admire Perry though for being able to reevaluate himself and being able to see that he needed to be more aggressive. Realization was the first step, now it is just for him to put it into action.

  3. RUSSELL JOHNSON have to be a complete and utter fool…. STUPID. Whenever Perry makes a mistake he gat an excuse but when Hubert make em its the end of the world. TESTED LEADERSHIP dont baby no one up and if they did a LOUSY job in 2002 to 2007 then what Hubert ga do…. FIRE EM’. WHat Perry ga do?…. SMILE and keep quiet. DO YAL NOW SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A LEADER AND A FOLLOWER?  PERRY HAS TO GO

      • From what I understood from his speech it was because he dont like Perry Christie (leader)leadership traits; saying he has no vision and he do not want to continue pretending like he supports him Also because Perry never offer him a ministerial portfolio.  Mr. Adderley also said that he didnt get much respect among his colleagues before 2007 and it got worst after-wards. And lastly because he received words that his POLITICAL career was about to get cut  in 2012.

  4. i wonder how the people of elizabeth really feal now that he,s gone! now they must look at who your going to get! its up to you elizabeth.

  5. You know what I saw front seat in the gallery of the house Perry Christie asking the PM like how could you I see he had a written speech in a note book I heard and looked at the faces of the members and saw no real support because he was not able to negoiate the deal because he is lazy and waits for the last minute, this he has done for years and now believes in the lies he has been tellin for years and you know what he really believes the B.S .Everything lies and falls on leadership.Rashad Amahad Big brother is watching.

    • I just hope the steering committee of your party nominates you to run in Elizabeth.Its a great opportunity to see if your style of leadership  resonates with the Bahamian people.Stop aiming low as you should be about becoming the Govt and not replacing the official opposition.

  6. There, they go again blaming the FNM for all their problems. The Pussycat cause Malcolm to leave.

    • There you go again just using a partisan quote,please this is 2010 so make better points as your one liners are those used by the drunk.You must be related to bahamasyouth who speaks from both sides of his mouth.I remember another lady who was on this site in late 2009 and after being chastised she cried foul and ran away.Please stay as you can use the training.

  7. Here we are, 2010 and still buying into the tribal political crap that has us right where we are as a country.The PLP youth should reform under their own new banner and place as much distance between themselves and the main national problem:Self serving corrupt slack patronizing politicians.Same for Torchbearers. 

    • The anti-establishment stance get you nowhere…trust me!  The established political parties is who we are politically, and you should get used to it.  If you want to make a difference, join the PLP or FNM.  Personally, I would recommend the FNM because they are more structurally organized.  Former Torchbearers have ran on the FNM ticket since 1987.  Currently, there are 4 former Torchbearers sitting in the House of Assembly.  Three of them are Cabinet Ministers.  There are no, (zero, none), former Young Liberals who presently sit in the House.  The FNM is grooming leaders.

  8. That the FNM could be blamed for the actions of Malcolm Adderley is astonishing, to me.  The reality is, his actions were brought on more by the behaviour of the PLP than the FNM.  Why is this so difficult to acknowledge?  With regard to his serving as a judge, there are not as many qualified persons who are willing to serve as you may think.  Not all lawyers are qualified to be judges.  Most who are qualified are not willing to forego their lucrative income to serve.  If Mr. Adderley is willing to serve (we all agree that he is qualified), then he should serve.  We have to stop the petty bickering.  This release sounds like sour grapes to me.

    • You better leave your nest as it seems reality avoids you.everyone who has a sense of reasobning knows that PAPA is behind the latest episode.Listen to Malcolms speech and he also tells the story of his problems with the PLP as early as 2007.I agree with the dep Chairman that Malcolm the selfish one is not an example of integrity for young persons.This Malcolm is the same one who tried to take a taxi from his stepmother only to have the Supreme court rule in the good lady.s favour.The man has proven he has no principles or integrity but now wants to be a judge lolo lolo.It is bnot sour grapes Eagle but truth which hurts those opposed to right and wrong.   

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