More employees set to be charged


BP asks police what happened to that Monday Morning helicopter raid which arrested 26 males?


Nassau – Police are expected to charge two males and a female in the magistrate court today for the offenses of falsification of accounts, fraud by false pretences, conspiracy to commit fraud, possession and uttering a forged document.

In total the group is being accused to have committed such in the amount of $283,000.00. We don’t know yet if this involves BEC or somewhere else but we shall see.

Meanwhile two Mondays ago police claimed its successfully raided a home with two black-hawk helicopters around 5am in the morning waking up residents to arrests some 26 males. Rumour was that a home in South Beach was descended on by police that same morning to collect some $30 million dollars. Police never denied the report and we asking two questions:

1) What happened to the 26 males arrested who have yet to appear before the courts.

We report yinner decide!