By-election Date now shifts to Feb. 16th

Spiritual Adviser
<<<82 year old, Farkhondeh Dorsonvile, provided The Honorable PM with much spiritual advice during the 92,97, and 2007 general elections.
Nassau, Bahamas — Hubert’s ‘Obeah’ Ingraham once again at his working numbers. Following troubling numbers from an FNM internal polling, Hubert Ingraham has moved the election date from Feb. 5th to Feb. 16th. He once again is using his favourite number assigned to him by his now deceased Spiritual Advisor the number 7.

We understand the FNM dirty tricks department is about to unleash. Hundreds of thousands of dollars along with phony jobs will descend in two days in ‘Lizzy’.
Forces of the FNM are now on the ground taking names which are being passed on to Tommy Turnquest. We hope he doesn’t buy the lawnmower and cutlasses as he did in the John Brown fiasco in 2002. PLEASE GIVE THEM THE CASH TOMMY, THEY NEED THE MONEY!


  1. Well looka here. they came to my house and asked me my name i lied and gave them the wrond name tho. good thing i did that. cuz now after seein this stuff i am convinced they will work they magic on them ppl names. wow. boy i tell ya this fnm torch is even more evil than i was thinkin it was.

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