Police questioning staff as Oban Energies file at BEST offices has gone missing…???


Satpal Dhunna dem and Oban Energies got VAT exemption before the inner city got it on bread basket items as promised by PM Minnis.

Nassau – A fresh revised Environmental Report for Oban Energies was delivered on last Thursday to the BEST Commission, but guess what? The file has gone missing!

BP can report that the file went missing upon delivery and the Director of BEST, Mr. Philip Weech, led the search party for the file with all the staff involved in the search.

After the initial search failed, the police were called in and began an investigation with staff.

We wonder if Romi wants to get in this?

We report yinner decide!

Signing the Bahamas Government/Oban Energies Heads of Agreement – Camille Johnson, Secretary to the Cabinet, on behalf of the Bahamas Government, and Peter Krieger (right) of Oban Energies at the Office of the Prime Minister, February 19, 2018. Prime Minister, Dr. the Hon. Hubert Minnis is pictured, centre; Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance the Hon. Peter Turnquest, second left; and Minister of State for Grand Bahama in the Office of the Prime Minister, Senator the Hon. Kwasi Thompson, left. (BIS Photo/Peter Ramsay)