Davis to FNM: No Lie Lasts Forever!


PLP Mass Rally at Gambier House last week Wednesday.

Nassau – With so many broken promises being thrown at the Bahamian people after one year in office, Opposition Leader Philip “Brave” Davis served notice to the FNM Government on Wednesday that “No Lie Lasts Forever”.

Scores of PLPs at the Sir Lynden Pindling Centre listened as the Party Leader revealed what he described as the “many lies” the FNM government has been telling the public, man of which have had a devastating effect on the lives of Bahamians going forward. Davis reminded them of the Prime Minister’s claim in London of the $500 million dollars he said was lost in The Bahamas due to corruption. This, he said, was a lie as no proof has been given thus far.

Minnis, he noted, said, once elected, he would cause Bahamar to have a new owner and that he would have VAT repealed as he was certain the funds were being stolen. This, Davis continued, was a lie.

The Cat Island, Rum Day and San Salvador MP recalled Minnis’ promise to give free education at the University of The Bahamas, to reduce taxes on breadbasket items, as well as create a “tax free” zone in the inner city. Again, he said, these are lies. Davis said, as soon as the FNM government won, Minnis promised there would be no victimization, his government would kill the “Spy Bill” and that they would carry out hangings. Once more, Davis said, these are also lies.

“They said the FNM would disclose to the public all travel expenses on these ‘Gussienae’ trips. Now we know that, too, was a big lie,” he said. “Proverbs 19:5 says that ‘the false witness will not go unpunished and whoever utter lies will not escape'”.


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