Police have detained a Water and Sewerage worker after allegations of stalking surfaced at the Corporation!

WSC Executive Chairman Adrian Gibson and Union President Dwayne Woods.

Nassau – Bahamas Press is learning the ex-police officer, hired by the Executive Chairman Adrian Gibson, was recently brought into the Corporation as the Surveillance Supervisor and brought into the Internal Control Compliance Department at WSC.

Harry Joseph, some believe, behaved as a former “Gestapo” and began an exercise of monitoring staff and following them right down to their private spaces inside and outside the bounds of WSC. Joseph, a new staffer oversaw the installation of CCTV devices at the WCS properties, which are also fitted with listening devices to hear and see what staff are doing.

But the stalker [Joseph] hired by the first time Executive Chairman, crossed the line when he began following the Assistant General Manager for Internal Controls at the Corporation in her private spaces. That Assistant GM Kimberley Rolle, eventually tendered a resignation letter, citing serious and dangerous practices by the leadership at the Corporation, which are contrary to corporate norms, procedures and protocols; real professionals have no time for crybabies drunk with power.

Anyway, the hired spy who watched workers was detained by police over the weekend and questioned for his stalking exercises on the Executive Manager. On Friday Joseph was encouraged to tender his resignation from the WSC.

We will see where this all goes but, as for the punch drunk first-time EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN, while he is monitoring staff – BP is also monitoring him.

We report yinner decide!