Immigration set for major reboot at the top!


Why has Clarence Russell failed to show up to work for the past week?!

Clarence Russell is a waste a time.

NASSAU| Clarence Russell, head of Immigration, knows his days are numbered. For the past week, he has failed to report to the office on the hill.

Immigration Officers are sick and tired of Russell’s wutless, clueless leadership, calling officers “Corrupt” while relying on those same officers to show him the job!

Many senior officers have refused to cooperate with his self-braggadocio style where everything revolved around him.

Russell has gotten the news that it’s time for him to leave after nothing has been achieved under his short [waste-a-time] leadership.

Immigration officers are warning the administration that while they support the move to get Russell out of the office, they also want the government to know that the department will not accept or cooperate with anyone who is not trained from within the department.

Immigration has a highly skilled staff that deals with international clients from all over the globe. Some told BP if someone from the department does not rise to the top they cannot guarantee anything will get better within the department.

Meanwhile, staff are prepared to walk off the job and do a Water and Sewerage-style protest if Russell is not removed and their demands met!

We report yinner decide!