What new rules will be enforced this Labour Day Parade

Victims of the June 1st, 2018 Labour Day tragedy…

Has anyone heard yet what the boy got after killing those women on Labour Day 2018?

In the course of dangerous driving, Travis Sawyer, was charged in the fatality of four women and having caused the injury of some 29 others. 

Anyone knows yet what his punishment was? Was he fined $5,000 like most persons? Or has the case been thrown out?

And what new rules have come into force to make sure and certain that such an incident and its tragic aftermath are not repeated?

Will there be an independent inquiry into this incident to examine response of Emergency Services? OR how about what changes the parade management will take? Such security management falls under the control of the Commissioner of Police. Has anything been announced to the public or has everyone been sleeping behind the wheel waiting for the next accident? Ya know, we at BP can go all day asking questions but someone gatta say something!

We ga report and let yinner decide!
