Davis celebrates the contributions of veteran educator Mr. Garth Hilbert King in Old Bight today

Far right is Opposition Leader Philip Brave Davis and next to his is director of Education Mr. Marcellus Taylor

Opposition Leader the Hon. Philip Brave Davis joined community leaders and students on Cat Island this morning to honour veteran educator Mr. Garth Hilbert King, retired District School Superintendent, at the Old Bight High School auditorium.

Mr. Davis characterized educators as some of the most powerful and influential leaders in our community. He told those in attendance that Mr. King followed a line of distinguished educators on that island as he also paid tribute to the life’s work of prominent educators Rodney Bain, Eris Moncur, Oscar Johnson (teacher) and Carlton Rolle, his teacher during the 1950’s at the All Age school in Cat Island

Also in attendance at ceremony of appreciation is Director of Education Dr. Marcellus Taylor.