Driver park in the middle of the Highway to buy Burger King Breakfast


Car on high

Nassau, Bahamas — Here’s the scene on the Tonique Darling Highway right in front of Burger King. BP spy cam was in the area when we came across this driver who decided to park his vehicle in the middle of the busiest highway in the country to pick up breakfast at Burger KIng.

Something is dangerously wrong with this photo and more disturbing about this driver. He has no regard for the law when parking on sidewalks or in a pedestrian crossing. The vehicle was parked right on the pedestrian crossing hindering persons attempting to cross to the other side of the highway safely.

Bahamas Press longs for the day when traffic officers, some 1,000 are hired under a new administration, will take it upon themselves to bring order to our lawless society.

MY goodness Bahamas WE NEED CHANGE!


  1. LOL they look like them asanti rims!!

    In all fairness while this is dead wrong what he is doing. Its really messed up that one would have to drive alllllllllllllllll the way down to the round about just to turn back around to go to one of the business places on that end of the highway. I think they need to revise the layout of that highway and cut spots in there to make turns. 
    Another similar problem is that new island they built in the front of the mattress place further west of there. meaning ppl wanting to turn into that mattress place or the school on top of the hill or going into mount tabor estates one was to either pull to the side and make that awkward and illegal turn or drive alllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way around. whoever comes up with these ideas obviously dont ever consider making things convenient for ppl.

  2. Those are some fresh rims though!!
    Believe it, he probably does worse then that, like robbing or killing people. As long as the FNM or PLP are in, things will NEVER Change.

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