Corruption in the Department of Environmental Health, $1.8 Million tax dollars squandered on Ghost contracts a BP exclusive


DEH fire

<<< The smoke on the Milo Butler Highway as a result of the fire at the City Dump. Bahamas Press is shocked to know more money is GONE out of the DEH and perhaps the fire is another smoke screen. We shall see.

Nassau, BahamasBahamas Press has some nail biting questions for the leadership at the Department of the Environment [DEH] and it has nothing to do with the fire at the City Dump. Your BP while the country was all busy about Lizzy’s by-election, we was digging deep in the rubble and mounds of paper in the said department.

An explosive story, yes just like the wild fire at the dump, has occurred and if our forensic team has its way, someone in the Ingraham administration, possibly at the level of the Executive, could land themselves in the Big House.

Information coming to BP reveals senior personal maybe hiding at the City Dump from questions now being put by officers of the Ministry of Finance. Once again BP’s deep throat in the Office of the Prime Minister [OPM] has some pressing questions for the department.

BP has learned that while several road cleanup contracts were cancelled, many cheques were issued by the department; paid to individuals and individual companies where work was never done.

BP has learned cheques were paid to companies included those connected to Hiram Kelly in the amount of $210,000, Clement Chea in the amounts of $377,000 and Dean’s Cleaning in the amounts of $580,000 but to the surprise of accountants in the OPM, much of the work paid for by taxpayer’s money was never done. There was no tenders for the jobs and the finance department do not know what these contractors did for the public. BP asks, WHERE IS THE MONEY GO?

Much of the money was also paid out by the department to ghost workers who never showed up to produce on verges and parks. Where the money has all gone is now what we are mandated to find out,” the source in the OPM told BP.

Officers from ministry of finance are now converged on Farrington Road to commence a detail investigation on the corruption and squander of public money in the departmentOnce again Bahamas Press is SMOKING THEM OUT!

Your BP is following this breaking story.


  1. Minister Earl Deveaux needs to investigate the Accounts Section and the Finance Officer old and present one for this mess.  How can you over spend monies in an item, that means that you were not keeping proper records.  The Finance Officer should have picked this up because after their staff have been using different items to pay a contractor every month for the same job done its nobody else fault but the Accounting Department.  Thats who is corrupt in the Department.

  2. as a tucker that benifited form the special project program I can only say ThANKS to Minister Deveaux in his defence the end result of a stimulus program was that hundreds if not thousands of people were able to live. I say hang um high because only a few ever gets spoils the bunch when others like my self worked for our monies 

  3. There is a very Professional young lady at the department of environmental health that is being crucified by the persons there over this situation, why? because she is doing her job.   She does not issue cheques  the accounts department do so why accuse her.  I should say the Accounts department and the Finance officer should be crucified.

  4. Minister Deveaux,  for some reason or the other always gets a free pass.  Many Bahamians have not realised that this Minister is also doing a lousy job at BEC & WSC.Yes my friends, he is the Minister responsible for those two entities not Mr. Neymour.

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