Who Is Managing The Bahamas?!

PM Minnis in Parliament.

NASSAU| Last week we said “Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned”. That is what we have now, right here in this country as far as we can see. The PM needs to relinquish his post and give it to someone who will be a good “manager” of the people’s business. 

Over the past two weeks we have seen international empathy shown to the Bahamas in the form of millions of dollars in donations pouring in.

Not to sidetrack from the horrific conditions our brothers and sisters on Grand Bahama and Abaco are faced with, but we need proper management in this country now more than ever and the government and its leader, The Most Honorable Ever Dr. Minnis, is doing a terrible job. 

From day one, organizations and people have been turning in millions of dollars, yet the country’s “Manager” has yet to allow one of his FNM minions to report to us the total amount donated and where this money is to be “stored” and how it is going to benefit Dorian’s victims. All we see are pictures of FNM cronies who are in charge of the money – and some of them dead shady. 

We see hell already broke loose in the HeadKnowles Organization. One partner pulls out and raises lots of unanswered questions. They have been collecting money for years for hurricane relief but who are they giving it to? Has anyone in all these long years seen any financials from the group? And why are Bahamians so angry right now at this organization?

So many things have happened before Hurricane Dorian to show that this government is not a good “manager” of the people’s business. Only a few Bahamians benefit while crime stats are out the roof; all unions are up in arms about promises made that are not kept; the staff at government entities are not being paid on time; government buildings are falling apart; government bills are not being paid – you name it and it’s happening – yet the PM’s only action is to fuss with the media at Press Conferences before heading off for some stewed fish.

The PM doesn’t want help from those who offer assistance. He snaps at people who are qualified to make the government the best it can be. He is now famous for oppressing his Cabinet Members and causing them to bitterly complain behind his back and plot to get him out of his leadership role. He echos “I don’t want no one call me a thief,” but when you search deeper on his record with words, we wonder must if even in that statement he is telling the truth.

BP predicts that the local and international efforts bringing relief for residents of Grand Bahama and Abaco will disappear [just like the donated generators which vanished the last time] and this will make or break the Free National Movement’s governance of this country. At the polls in 2022, the Free National Movement government will be voted out and this country will make way for a new, fresh, innovative form of governance led by Philip “Brave” Davis.

We Report!! Yinner Decide!!!