Leadership inside the National Junkanoo Committee about to tender their resignations following differences with Minister Lanisha Rolle!


NASSAU| All hell is breaking loose inside the junkanoo world as Bahamas Press is now learning key players of the National Junkanoo Committee are about to tender their resignations!

BP can report Dr. Dwight Marshall – President of the NJC and Vice President Kishlane Smith has decided to side with junkanooers and not the government on issues of dispute unfolding with Junkanoo.

Dr. Marshall is a key figure deep inside the Genesis Junkanoo Group and Mrs. Smith is a lead choreograph dancer for the powerful Valley Boys. We are learning that both letters have been drafted and are awaiting a BP review before being delivered on the desk of the ‘wutless’ shameless Minister, who we know have cited junkanooers as “Dope Smokers and Dunkards”.

Rolle is PM Hubert Minnis’ most beloved Cabinet Minister and she cannot do any wrong! Well, we will see how long this love affair will last!

Tonight the JCNP will stage a mass protest rush-out at 7pm on Bay Street. All groups and junkanooers from all walks of life are asked to descend on Bay Street!


We report yinner decide!