Majority Rule Day Observed in Ecumenical Service at Christ Church Cathedral

Governor-General Most Hon. Cornelius A. Smith, Acting PM Peter Turnquest, Former GG Dame Marguerite Pindling, Former PM Perry Christie and wife of Opposition Leader Ann Marie Davis all present at Majority Rule Celebrations.

NASSAU, The Bahamas — His Excellency the Most Hon. Cornelius A. Smith, Governor-General, along with government officials, other dignitaries, school children and members of the public, attended the Ecumenical Service in observance of Majority Rule Day at Christ Church Cathedral on Friday, January 10, 2020.

The sermon was delivered by the Very Rev’d Harry Bain, Dean of Nassau, Rector of Christ Church Cathedral.  Pictured seated behind the Governor-General (in first pew) is the Acting Prime Minister, the Hon. Peter Turnquest.  (BIS Photos/Letisha Henderson)

Very Rev’d Harry Bain, Dean of Nassau
Students attending the Majority Rule Service at Christ Church Cathedral.