All clear given!!! Andre Birbal will be released back to Bahamian Authorities


birbalNew York, USA — BP is in a prison cell tonight in the BIG APPLE where we are now receiving reports of VICTORY for the Children of Eight Mile Rock High School.

Special thanks goes our to our hardworking team and international partners for their exceptional work on this case. To our team who pursued this matter to the very end we salute all and sundry.

Special THANKS TO TROY GARVEY, the man who fought tirelessly to bring the matter to the national stage and to a reporter named Vanessa Clarke, who broke the initial story to the Bahamian public. To our legal experts and counsels in silk we now have our man!glenys

We give special thanks also to Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Alexander Ingraham and his new attorney general, Hon. John Delaney, for their efforts to return Andre Birbal to justice. Oh, and we cannot forget the woman we then labeled the GIANT SLAYER, Glenys Hanna- Martin, who took the matter to Parliament, called for a Select Committee and delivered a blow to WUTLESS BETHEL who attempted to hush the matter in the ear of the people. History has a secured place for you Glenys.

troy-garveySince 2009 the horror of vicious molestations of more than 20 boys have hunted the community of Eight Mile Rock. Former minister of education, who was thrown out of the Cabinet classroom, was mute to the situation when parents initially raised the matter with his department. Painful days and sleepless nights were achieved as Birbal slipped out of the country at the assistance of Bethel’s ministry.

Bahamas Press track this investigation into New York where he was captured and now we understand he [Birbal] will be handed over to local authorities in short order. This is a VICTORY for the children of EMRH.

johndelaneyphotobis-copyFinally they we will bring that pedophile back to a Bahamian Court. NO THANKS TO THE VILLAGE IDIOT VERNAE GRANT and Carl ‘Undernourished’ Bethel for their stupidity and objection in investigating this matter.

Reports tell us an American court has given an “ALL CLEAR” release of Birbal to local authorities. He will be extradited and handed by US marshals any day now.


  1. The Children of EMRH can sleep in peace once and for all. BP great job for telling the public about this horrendous man when the wutless media refuse to carry the story.

  2. I am glad he is finally being brought back to face up to his demons. He should have never left to begin with. If somebody had accused me of doing something so horrendous and I knew that I were being falsely accused, I would not have been able to leave under those circumstances, I would have done everything within my power to stay and try to prove my innocence. If I was unable to stay, then I would have been in contact with authorities every chance I got to see if they found any proof that would have been able to vindicate my name and reputation , but instead he behaved like a criminal on the loose, he aint leave no forwarding address, no phone contacts and he didn’t even bother to call back to find out how the investigation was coming along. He didn’t even return to his country, he took off to the US as if he was searching for a brand new start.

    • kim,  girl you sound like in wonderland…lol which criminal you know does leave a forwarding address, call to find out how the police investigation going? He got out of dodge the fastest he could,my question is did he have a tattered past before he got here? did the ministry of Ed did their investigation on this man and any other( forieng especially) teachers? So whats next with this…….

      • Lizard where you been girl? You didn’t get the memo aye? See around here you can’t be calling nobody no criminal unless the court find them guilty. Before I resorted to calling him an outright criminal which would be my personal opinion of him, I was just trying to be kind in stating my reasons why I believe he is guilty of raping those boys.

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