$100 could mean the difference between life or death Mr. PM…


Arrogance and ignorance will be the downfall of this administration – Why row over $100 when this PM does borrow $638 Million every six months?

Dear Dr. Minnis,

$100 could mean the difference between life or death for those in need of medicine. It could mean the difference between starving or feeding your family for a week. $100 a day for a week long trip for you could mean two weeks salary for many.

You were embarrassed because your card didn’t work in Brussels, think about how embarrassed that pensioner or single mother is every week at the grocery store when they have to put things back because they can’t afford it.

We have been told to catch water in a tin tub and let the sun heat it to bathe, to not travel or wear expensive clothes in order to pay bills. We have been asked to cut back, to conserve, to do without because we are on the brink of fiscal collapse but to suck it up and not question your choices with our money. That is all well and good but remember it when your $100 comment means the difference between a second term or watching from the sidelines.

Arrogance and ignorance will be the downfall of this administration. Mr. Prime Minister, you owe us an apology for that comment (not that I expect one will be forthcoming). How quickly we forget from whence we came.

A disappointed citizen