FCPstraddlesNassau, Bahamas — Breaking News coming into Bahamas Press confirms that a tornado has just touched down on Grand Bahama killing four men at the Container Port.

Breaking updates confirm the men were killed after being force to work under the bad climatic conditions. Among the dead are Micheal Young, Clever Lowe and Shawn Saunders

BP agents now on the ground on Grand Bahama say there has been an inordinate amount of damage with at least one crane collapsing into the water killing men and injuring 10 others. There are reported container and straddles all over the port.

There is pandemonium at the Rand Memorial Hospital as scores of injured are being carted in the emergency room.

BP has has also been advised a tornado watch is up for Bimini. BP is monitoring the situation now breaking on Grand Bahama.

Bahamas Press has also learned since December 31, 2009 the met office on Grand Bahama has been closed and therefore there was no warning and no one has monitored the situation.


  1. This story is reprehensible as you published NAMES of victims and some of their families had not been notified.  I cannot believe that BAHAMASPRESS would not be smart enough to realize that that is TERRIBLE journalism.. you lot are now like Sean hannity, and glenn beck, keith olbermann nutjobs with this type of thing.  At least RESPECT other peoples families guys.  this is not like saying oh a dog died today.  I really expect better from you. HONESTLY

  2. Bp are you telling me that in this date and time, witha as much hurricane and bad weather freeport have been hit with, even their proximity the florida is a risk, and the government didn’t even see it fit to have the met office opened in freeport?….THE GOVERNMENT HAS BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS……

  3. The met office closed?  You have GOT to be kidding.  Grand Bahama is in the hurricane zone.  No wonder there was no warning.  Condolences to the family of the deceased.

    • My condolences to the family members of the dead and injured.We have three Cabinet Ministers out of GB and in light of this tragedy and not ensuring that a Met office was functional they must all resign.

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