Dangerous LGBT violence occurs in the Bahamas – but there is silence deep inside the GAY COMMUNITY!

Ariel Lowe was laid to rest on Saturday at New Bethany Baptist Church on Key West Street.

NASSAU| Yes, the LGBT community in the Bahamas is mistreated to death, but100% of the time the VIOLENCE comes from within their own community. Lovers murdering each other to death! 

Here was one case BP investigated with great interest. Ariel Lowe, a young single mother was beaten and then torched by her lover, Katriona Gilbert aka “Kitty”, who was found GUILTY in the murder of her lover.

Ariel was innocent and young but the violence she endured in the Bahamas left the LGBT community dumbfounded. They refused to comment as we daily exposed the violence experienced by this young mother, whose home had been burnt not once, but twice by her female lover.

Young 21-year-old Ariel Lowe and 28-year-old Gilbert found guilty in Lowe’s murder.

Now we don’t know exactly what happened to cause the gay boy to run and televise what he said to the Canadian authorities, but if you look deeper into his complaint, most likely it’s true and the violence he endured, we are certain, came right from within his own LGBT community.

Police Press Liason Assistant Superintendent Audley Peters said, following a row which was provoked by a Drag Queen in Canada who we believe is not even a Bahamian: “In terms of him being shot, that may be factual, but in terms of what he said with respect to persons being shot because of their orientation, there is no fact to that in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.”

All the police had to do is refer to the story of Arial Lowe and they will confirm that yes, the LGBT community suffers much violence, but it is from within their own community!

We report yinner decide!