More questions are put to the National Overseer of the Church of God as almost half a million dollars earmarked for Hurricane Dorian relief cannot be accounted for…


Why, one year after Hurricane Dorian, churches in the affected islands have not been rebuilt or repaired…

NASSAU| Serious allegations are now coming out of the Church of God Convention which, after a meeting on Holy Saturday, has left more questions than answers.

Team BP is now looking deeper into these allegations where thousands of dollars supplied to the Bahamas Convention cannot be accounted for and questions continue to go unanswered.

Now you should know that right now an injunction between National Overseer Bishop Moses Johnson and his agents and the members of the Southland Church of God has been enforced by the courts. That injunction has blocked the National Overseer or any of his agents from entering or operating at that church. 

But what is about to happen could expose even more damaging revelations inside the workings of the church and cause serious questions to surface about the leadership. 

BP warned church leaders no later than last evening that the fight now being engaged is not of GOD! He is not the author of confusion or discord! And church leaders should and must reconcile their business in the pursuit of peace!

Now, Bahamas Press was inside that national meeting last evening where questions were put to the National Overseer to account for almost $500,000 (half a million dollars) donated to the Bahamas Convention from its Tennessee Operations following the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian.

To this day no one has been able to explain or account for what has indeed happened with all those funds earmarked to help victims. 

We now question why is it some $429,000 which was sent to be given to the hurricane victims has yet to reach the ravaged areas with – GET THIS – NOT ONE CHURCH ON THE AFFECTED ISLANDS REBUILT FOR OVER ONE YEAR NOW!

Were the churches on Abaco insured? If yes, how much was collected on insurance and why have none been repaired yet? These are serious – SERIOUS QUESTIONS!

We also note that for the month of August the National Overseer has left a $3,663.53 telephone cell bill with the Southland members when such bills should have been carried by the National Convention. WHAT IS THIS?

With these questions of finances now up in the air, this could open a further injunction on the entire convention and force audits to be exercised across the entire National Convention. This could become the topic of discussion when the court resumes this Wednesday. 

As we said yesterday, we repeat again for a second time, Bishop Johnson pursue the things that make for peace! GOD IS NEVER THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION! FIX THIS or there will be war!

We report yinner decide!