PM Davis opens the George W. Weech Complex on Bimini


BIMINI| Prime Minister the Hon. Philip E. Davis led a ministerial delegation to Alice Town, North Bimini on Thursday, November 18, 2021 to officially open the government complex there, the George W. Weech Compex, named after the former Member of Parliament for that Island and community leader, George W. Weech.

Government agencies and departments to be located in this new complex include Local Government, Road Traffic, the Port Department, Environment and Urban Renewal.

Pictured from left in the front row are Clay Sweeting, Minister of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Family Island Affairs; Chester Cooper, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investments and Aviation; Mr. Weech; Prime Minister Davis; Mrs. Weech; Obie Wilchcombe, Minister of Social Services and Urban Development and Member of Parliament for West Grand Bahama and Bimini; and Leon Lundy, Parliamentary Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister.

From left in the back row are Vaughn Miller, Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources; Leonardo Lightbourne, Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Family Island Affairs; Myles LaRoda, State Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister; Philip McKenzie, Chairman of NIB; Zane Lightbourne, State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Technical and Vocational Training; and Senator Randy Rolle.