Another DEMON has left the Anglican Church! Bishop Boyd advises Priests to keep Bowleg OUT!


<<< Etienne Bowleg, former priest of Holy Trinity Church renounces his oaths as priest.

Nassau, Bahamas — In a circular among Anglicans today, members of the State Church have been advised that former Rector of Holy Trinity Anglican Church and member of the Cathedral Chapter, Etienne Bowleg, has gone rogue and officially resigned as a priest in the Anglican Community!

Bowleg who took the Church to court after LYING about his age, lost his bid in the Supreme Court to stop the Bishop from kicking his you_know_what out of the pulpit!

BP can confirm millions of dollars have vanished from the bank accounts of Holy Trinity while Etienne was rector, and to this day, not a soul knows where the money has gone. An forensic audit of transactions since the 1970s have commenced and no one knows where the paper trail will lead.

In the communication sent out to members of the clergy from Addington House today,  Bishop Laish Boyd wrote:

Please be advised that Etienne Bowleg wishes “to renounce all allegiance as a priest of the Diocese of the Bahamas and The Turks and Caicos Islands within the Province of the West Indies, with immediate effect.”

This means that by his own choice, intent and assertion Fr. Etienne Bowleg no longer holds a licence to function in this Diocese.

As clergy of the Diocese all of you need to be aware of how serious this matter is and what its implications are.

The lack of a General Licence means that Fr. Bowleg is not allowed to function (officiate, celebrate, preach, vest, process, sit in the chancel or sit in the sanctuary) at any service or event of the Diocese or the Province, or under the auspices of the Diocese or the Province.

Bahamas Press feels this is indeed a GREAT DAY IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH! The Devil was made shame and has been found without clothes. Bowleg should hang his head down is SHAME for the ‘VICKEDNESS’ he has condoned and LIES he has been proven to have committed according to the SUPREME COURT OF THE BAHAMAS!

A member of the Anglican community told BP,  “Bowleg is so wrong man he knows better he was one on the Diocesan committee to make the rules about retirement age of priests and then proceeded to break them. How could he lie so to those people.”

Bowleg was not 65-years-old but is well into his seventies. The Church must now go after the money. It must turn over every incense pot and alter cloth to see where the millions have gone from the bank accounts of Holy Trinity. The Church must start by inquiring and investigating every member of the parish vestry, who sat in the committees during Bowleg’s tenure.

Why in the hell people don’t know the difference between THINE and mine is beyond us!

Bahamas Press has learned Etienne is set to open a new independent church here in Nassau. A church which will only collect money so his CRAZY *&# son would use to buy more dope to sell and keep Bahamian police in high-speed chases.

Where in the hell is Bowleg’s son anyway? And will Tommy Turnquest now join the new DEVIL WORSHIPING CHURCH?


  1. IF this is true…

    I look forward to the new church. Holy Trinity was NEVER a devil worshipping church and the new one (IF true – we know how inaccurate most of your stories are) will NOT be either – so watch your mouth BP!

    Father preaches the Word and nothing is wrong with listening to him preach it. After his son makes something of his life – more than you ever will lets see what you have to say then.

    For you BP…
    Psalms 105: 15 – Touch not God’s anointed.
    Romans 3:23 – All have sinned and fallen short.
    Ecclesiastes 5: 2-3- Be mindful of the words you release.

    A word to the wise is sufficient

  2. IF this is true…

    I look forward to the new church. Holy Trinity was NEVER a devil worshipping church and the new one (IF true – we know how inaccurate most of your stories are) will not be either.

    Father preaches the Word and nothing is wrong with listening to him preach it. After his son makes something of his life – more than you ever will lets see what you have to say then.

    For you BP…
    Psalms 105: 15 – Touch not God’s anointed.
    Romans 3:23 – All have sinned and fallen short.
    Ecclesiastes 5: 2-3- Be mindful of the words you release.

    A word to the wise is sufficient

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