PHA Closes Registration for PHA Job Fair 


The Public Hospitals Authority (PHA) advises all interested persons that the online registration process for the Job Fairs in New Providence and Grand Bahama is closed. Targets set for online registration by applicants have been met and no further submissions will be accepted for these events online or in person. 

Those who have completed the registration process will receive notification of the location and time of their interview via email. Only registrants who have received confirmation of a scheduled interview will be admitted into the interview process; unregistered applicants will be processed by the Department of Labour for future opportunities and consideration. 

The Authority anticipates completing over eight hundred (800) interviews during this process beginning June 11th at the scheduled Job Fair in New Providence and the June 18th Job Fair in Grand Bahama. Additionally, PHA will host scheduled interviews in New Providence June 13th through June 17th, 2022, to accommodate all qualified applicants to afford them an opportunity to be interviewed for the vacant positions. The Authority is grateful for the overwhelming interest shown in careers in the health sector and, specifically, at the PHA. 

Individuals who were unable to register may still submit their resume and documents to the Reception Desk at PHA Corporate Offices in New Providence and at the Rand Memorial Hospital Administration Office in Grand Bahama for consideration when future opportunities arise.