A visit with Lady Fawkes…CELEBRATING Labour Day and remembering Sir Randol


<<< Labour Day Book GIFT and signing with Lady Jacqueline Fawkes and Erin Fergurson.

On Wednesday June 3, 2010 Erin A. Ferguson, Host and Executive Producer of Popular and Controversial Television Show (JCN 14), Citizens’ Review accompanied by Demathio Forbes, CARICOM Youth Ambassador, were invited to “La Campanella” the Home of Lady Jacqueline Fawkes and the late Sir Randol Fawkes to receive Signed Copies of Sir Randol Fawkes’ books namely “Labour Unite or Perish”, “You Should Know your Government”, “The Bahamas Government”, and the most Famous original “The Faith that Moved the Mountain”.

Ferguson and Forbes visited with Lady Fawkes and her daughter Rosalie Fawkes and discussed the Labour Movement and its importance to the country; they also discussed the life of “The Father of Labour” and the man who provided for Majority Rule, the Late Sir Randol Fawkes. Lady Fawkes gave Mr. Ferguson one of the very few remaining copies of the book “The Faith that Moved the Mountain” with Sir Randol Fawkes original signature. Lady Fawkes comments that “Sir Randol’s Legacy will always live on and Erin is the first person I have seen in all my years, who has that bold spirit of Sir Randol in him. I am proud to see two strong young men who want to see this country move forward and I encourage them to keep pressing on.”

Mr. Ferguson commented, “This is the best gift to have received for Labour Day and I am honored that the woman who made it possible for Sir Randol to be the man that he was, thinks of my efforts well enough to give me one of the few copies of the originally signed book that she has left, and I thank her graciously.” Forbes pointed out that that “Sir Randol along with a few very prominent Caribbean leaders like Norman Manley of Jamaica, who published a book about Labour called “We Must Unite”, stood up for the rights of Labourers in very trying times, and must be recognized for there service to their respective countries but also the CARICOM Region”


  1. aurelia025 that’s so right… We make everything about POLITICS. Its about whose in and whose out. We DEPEND and BLAME everything on GOVERNMENT. When are Bahamians are going to EMPOWER themselves. Hubert Ingraham job is not to baby feed Bahamians. Perry Christie job is not to change the Bahamians diapers. COME ON GUYS WE CRY FOR CHANGE BUT AS SIMPLE AS CHANGING A ROAD we fuss and fight about that. WE NEEDS TO STOP and STOP QUICK!….. FNM’s had fail to DEVELOP this country in the last 3 years The PLP have failed that too…. We needs CHANGE. SERIOUS CHANGE!…….We always POINT FINGERS at this one and that one but NOT OURSELVES.

  2. We are an ungrateful nation. Why is it that after all of these years neither the PLP nor FNM Government has seen it fit to name the Labour Day Holiday in honour of Sir Randol Fawkes?

    And why is it that there are still two different groups marching on Labour Day? Everything in this country is too politically polarized… there should not be a PLP or FNM march.

    The union leaders and their lawyers, as well as the politicians should be abe to put aside their egos for at least one day and think of the workers whom they claim to represent. Sir Randol would not be pleased with the current state of affairs.

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