Ingraham's Chief GOON Floyd Wilmott Caught with his hand in the Cookie JAR?


<<< Here is an FNM GOON who continues to get government contracts under the table which cannot get completed. FLOYD WILMOTT.

Nassau, Bahamas — There appears to be a raid on the Public Treasury by known “goons” and “cronies” of the Prime Minister. Telco Enterprises, a construction company owned and operated by Floyd Wilmott, a top henchman of Hubert Ingraham is again getting jobs while other contractors are suffering.

Mr. Wilmott was just on TV claiming that the rains had delayed him on the work at Sandilands and he is eight weeks behind schedule. Now, why in the hell would he be given another job as if the 8.6 million job at Sandilands was not enough. To make matters worse, it appears as if the contract for renovations at the Commissioner of Police Residence never went out to bid and Officers at the Ministry of Works were instructed by the “Chief” himself to give the job to Wilmott.

Floyd Wilmott has been described by one of the boys who hang at the club where Ingraham’s Kitchen Cabinet meets on a daily basis as being “an ungrateful, nasty liar who uses his relationship with the Chief to intimidate people.”

Sources close to the situation tell us that Wilmott renovated the Chief’s house shortly after the 2007 elections. He was then rewarded with the repairs at Gov’t. House. We are told, Wilmott went over the initial price and that this is the norm with him.

At the signing of the contract for Sandilands, Wilmott showed up dressed from head to toe in his red FNM regalia. This is National Insurance money that is financing the project, it is not FNM Money. He should have been scolded for such shameful behaviour.

We have been told that prior to the FNM’s victory in 2007, Wilmott was constructing homes for Arawak Homes, “He did such shabby work that he was fired by that company.”

The question that we the Public would like to have answered by Ingraham is, why was Wilmott given a no bid contract when he is behind schedule at Sandilands? Is he the only contractor capable in this town? Did he effect repairs to your house? We also note that you are the Minister of National Insurance, please check to see if contributions are being made by Wilmott for the workers at Sandilands. Please also confirm whether work permits are held by the scores of Haitians employed on the work site.

This is classic FNM policy, take care of the boys at the expense of the Public . People water and lights are off, people are sitting down home doing nothing, but Wilmott and the other cronies can get the gravy. We cry shame on this raid on the “Cookie Jar”.

We need Change Bahamas!


  1. People power is about to throw PAPA and his motley crew on the trash of incompetence,corruption,nepotism and greed.People power will turn up in Rawson Sq.and show the Govt that they need to quickly seek a new mandate.Only friends of PAPA are getting contracts despite their inability to fulfill the barameters.shame,papa shame you are a disgrace.

  2. Z. Laing, Carl Bethel, Neko, Mugabe and The Tribune are taking this country straight to hell. One day, all they will end up their and I trust that SATAN will assign a special dwarf to light a special bonfire for all of them. Burn ___________ BURN!!!!!!!

  3. BP, Ingraham quickly recinded the contract as soon as the Tribune emailed him and told him the proverdial cat was out of the bag. This amount should have gone to the tenders committee and to Cabinet. Alas, we all now know the true Mugabe Ingraham. Floyd will still end up with the contract. They are all pussies that sit in the Cabinet.

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