A BP Response to the con-Fusion Church vs Mount Tabor saga

Bishop Neil Clarance Ellis and Rickeno R. Moncur.

NASSAU| The Internet was lit over the weekend following the abrupt resignation of the one year pastor of Mount Tabor, Rickeno Moncur, who – without any formal notice to the people he claimed to love and respect – abandoned the church that welcomed him one year ago.

The move proved that so-CALLED Christians who are entrusted with leadership show their lack of decency and order when leading the people of GOD in this season of turmoil, war, unforgiveness, murder and strife in an ever growing dark world!

Moncur, in our view, was never the right and proper fit for such a church like Mount Tabor, which for years had stood under the shadows of its global leader Bishop Neil Clarence Ellis. 

Bishop Ellis’ spiritual presence stands tall in the Bahamas and the world.  His entrusting the work bestowed upon him to Moncur should be a text book lesson for all leaders to see:  KNOW DEM WHO LABOUR AMONG YOU!

Mount Tabor – in our view – is an established work in The Bahamas.  Therefore this writer never understood how someone from “outside the established body” was selected to lead such an august group of believers whose exposure to GOD’s divine presence exercised a deeply devoted Christian example across the country and around the world.

Many would recall the initial attempts at a selection process for a successor of Mount Tabor where some four to five candidates failed in the process. And then came Moncur who appeared youthful and full of zeal to take such a gigantic movement on to the next level. 

Why? Why did it take the selection of an outsider to pick up the mantle when such deep Christian faith and witness existed into the established church? That is a question only Mount Tabor and its leadership can answer.

And we do understand the decision of Bishop Ellis to attempt to pass on the baton to a younger generation – but how can the moon shine when the Sun is out?

It has always been the view of this writer that in this day and time, these are SERIOUS TIMES… which call for SERIOUS STRONG LEADERS! Individuals who are passionate about the work of GOD and whose commitment to complete the race can only be exited by death! This is our view, Bishop Ellis. 

Now, some persons close to Bahamas Press did not want us to comment on these developments. Some have asked us to keep quiet, stay out, watch and pray and remain silent on these developments. But we cannot and we will not!

As darkness attempts to blanket the world, this is the time for the CALL TO SPEAK UP AND STAND UP AGAINST DARKNESS ESPECIALLY WHEN IT ENTERS THE CHURCH!

For far too long Church people in The Bahamas have been carried away into darkness by darkness pretending to exhibit light! WE AT BP CAN SEE STRAIGHT THROUGH THEM! 

For example: if you love Mount Tabor, its leadership, officers and members, why was it necessary to take to social media and broadcast your abandonment of the CHURCH in full display to the world, Moncur? What was that about?

Why couldn’t there be a conversation before this exploded to this point?

You mean Moncur didn’t see it necessary to simply pen a letter to the church board and make your departure in silence? Decent people open their concerns and professionally demit without a scene. Why did all the Drunkards, Sinners and Christians have to know ya left!?

Who really paid for the Fusion Church, anyway? And while we’re at it, how can anyone forget the Biblical account of how war erupted in heaven where Satan persuaded and dragged one third of the angels who fell to the earth? This is NOT CUTE, Moncur! IT IS WICKED if ya ask us!

But ya see, this is the motive and work of DARKNESS! Divide the body, destroy the temple, drag and disconnect a chosen people from their destiny! Then, …. to do what next?!

And we ‘ga’ say it when NO ONE ELSE WILL: THIS IS ALL ABOUT MONEY! CONTROL OF Church Accounts! GREED! And a lust for POWER! THIS IS SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS CLIMED INTO HIGH PLACES with the People of God left confused!

This is all we can say for now as the CHURCH IN THE BAHAMAS sits in a mess; with soiled diapers with a smell that has reached to the high heavens. The world (including the Bahamas) have walked away from GOD!

A few weeks ago just after the New Year an angel appeared to this writer with a message. I never remembered the message, but in penning this commentary today I now understand that visitation.