Brother of former MP accused of sexually assaulting two women on a beach…

Fox Hill Prisons

FREEPORT| The brother of a former FNM politician has found himself on the wrong side of the law on Grand Bahama after police accused the brother and another male of sexually assaulting two females.

The former MP once had a beach stall in the area of the incident. 

Police reported a 54-year-old male along with a 40-year-old male of Eight Mile Rock and South Bahamia respectively were arrested on BIG SUNDAY after being accused of sexually assaulting two females at a beach in Central Grand Bahama.

The quick action of the police led to the arrest of the men. Meanwhile the BIGTIME FNM was working the phones all day on Sunday to see if he can get his Lodge Friends to get his brother off. 

Das something eh? The people who are up and down protesting crimes…apart of the criminal class raping women! Meanwhile the media mute on these developments.

We report yinner decide!