Former Deputy Speaker and Parliamentarian, the late Donald Saunders, laid to rest in a State-Recognized Funeral Service

State Funeral for the late Donald Lamon Saunders (procession of the Colour Party outside St. Agnes Anglican Church Baillou Hill Road).

NASSAU, The Bahamas — A State-Recognized Funeral Service was held for the late Donald Lamon Saunders, former Deputy Speaker and Parliamentarian, at St. Agnes Anglican Church, Baillou Hill Road, Friday morning, April 19, 2024. 

Governor General Her Excellency the Most Hon. Cynthia Pratt, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance the Hon. Philip Davis KC, and Leader of the Opposition the Hon. Michael Pintard were in attendance along with dignitaries and officials. 

The Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition participated in ceremonies. Rector of St. Agnes, the Venerable Keith Cartwright officiated.  At the conclusion, the National Flag was presented to Mrs. Tiffany Saunders, widow of Donald Saunders, by Minister of Foreign Affairs the Hon. Frederick Mitchell.  (BIS Photos/Patrick Hanna)

Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell presents widow Mrs Tiffany Saunders with the encased flag.
Family members of the late Donald Saunders
Archdeacon Keith Cartwright rector of St. Agnes Anglican Church delivers the sermon during the State-Recognized funeral service.
Governor-General Cynthia Mother Pratt
Congregation assembled at St. Agnes Church.