Major necessary pipe replacement lines underway between Harbour Bay and Village Road…

Workers repairing a leaks. File photo

NASSAU| In an attempt to better service eastern New Providence WSc has commenced line replacement networks in the community.

The ongoing works on Shirley Street involve the replacement of a critical section of the gravity main, which runs from the Harbour Bay Shopping Plaza to Village Road.

This infrastructure upgrade is essential to improving the reliability of our sewerage system and reducing the risk of future service disruptions. The current phase includes excavation, pipe replacement, and backfilling of trenches to ensure long-term stability and efficiency of the sewer lines.

The Corporation is aware of the disruptions to the traffic flow in the area and fully understand and empathize with the frustration that residents and commuters experience, especially during early morning traffic.

However, WSC is working diligently to complete these works as quickly as possible. Heavy rain over the weekend caused delays in reopening the road. The safety of motorists is our top priority.

WSc sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused and are making every effort to minimize disruptions while completing this critical infrastructure work. We ask for your patience as we work to improve the overall reliability of our services.