Responding To Hubert Minnis About The American Government and Prime Minister Davis

Former PM Hubert Minnis and Minister Fred Mitchell – PLP CHAIRMAN


The former Prime Hubert Minnis is condemned by his own illogical logic. He claims that because the US did not warn the Prime Minister in advance  of the recent indictment, this demonstrates  a lack of trust in Prime Minister Davis. He doesn’t know what the hell he is talking  about.

He  bases this faulty deduction on the fact that he was warned by the Americans when  he was Prime Minister in 2020 on another matter not this indictment.

The indictment  says this operation  run by the Americans  without the knowledge  of Bahamian officials  began in May 2021 while he was still Prime Minister.

They say they didn’t tell  the government of The Bahamas.

By his logic, then, the Americans didn’t trust him either.

So is he lying, or are they lying?

And if they did tell him ( the indictment says they didn’t ), does he not have to explain  to the Bahamian  public why he did nothing about it when he was Prime Minister.

I really feel  sorry for Dr. Minnis. He is obviously  punch-drunk politically  from that blow upside his head by Michael Pintard at the last FNM convention. So he is reaching desperately  to grab something in the hope that he remains  relevant. He is not. 

He is so irrelevant that his own party didn’t tell him they were going to break the house rules and throw the mace out of the window. Now, he is left all by himself. That should tell him something. 

That’s why Dr. Minnis should recall the Bahamian  saying: when you dig one grave, you dig one for you too.

The US government  has affirmed their trust in the partnership  with the government of Prime Minister Davis.
