Shyann Pierre is the latest traffic fatality victim Saturday morning in Winton…

20-something year old Shyann Pierre

NASSAU| Bahamas Press has the identity of the young woman who lost control of her vehicle as she sped in the Winton Community early Saturday March 1, 2025.

BP has identified the woman as 20-something-year-old Shyann Pierre. A single mother Pierre grew up in Eleuthera and moved to New Providence to lived in Yellow Elder.

She drove at a high rate of speed in the early morning hours lost control of her Honda Fit vehicle and crashed into the water.

Now the area was lit with traffic signage but CCTV revealed Pierre never stopped at the T-Junction. BP wonders if the vehicle she drove was indeed registered, insured and if the deceased driver had a valid driver’s license? That remains unknown. 

Every weekend scores of motorists crash into walls, poles, roundabouts and cars speeding like a bat out a hell trying to take the life of others; and in this case their own. The buck stops with motorists who must at all times stop drinking and driving, texting and driving and fail to operate a moving vehicle with due care and attention.

We at BP wonder why people have to speed? WHY? SPEED KILLS! And the life you save will be ya own!

We report yinner decide!