Yes, Collie is news of the day. But not Sidney!!!



Sidney Collie, former minister of lands and local government fired a second time by Hubert Ingraham.

Prime Minister Hubert A. Ingraham expressed “regret’ in The House of Assembly today over the resignation(?) of Local Government and Lands Minister, Sidney Collie. The prime minister would be the only one regretting the resignation. Certainly the thousands of Bahamians in the Family Islands do not join the prime minister in his regrets, because Collie’s intractable stubbornness towards repeated warnings of his perilous interpretation of how Local Government elections should be conducted; has caused many Local Government Elections not to be held at the appointed time. Yes, Collie is the news of the day, but not Sidney!

The Collie that should have been news from the past three weeks to-date is Sidney’s brother who reportedly broke into The Chinese Embassy as a result of his employment as a Defence Force Officer and was restricted to The Defence Force Base under incarceration-like conditions.

Bahamas Press says that Sidney’s brother “should” have been the news of the day but again the ‘Wutless Media’ in the country has deliberately thrown the story of this break-in into their dark bottomless hole of forgetfulness. Why hasn’t the ‘Wutless Media’ followed up on this story? Why has the Defence Force remained mum on the investigation or about remedial measures taken against a rogue Officer? Why hasn’t the Minister of National Security publicly addressed this serious infraction of international decency and protocol?

Well maybe Bahamas Press shouldn’t ask the last question because the Minister of National Security, Tommy Turnquest, hasn’t gotten around to addressing the question of statutory rape at Queen’s College, either, where his wife is the Vice-Principal and the young perpetrator/miscreant is the son of Education Minister, Carl Bethel, with State Minister, Zhivargo Laing’s son as a co-conspirator! So, Minister of National Security, Tommy Turnquest, has a lot on his plate to explain.

While Bahamas Press wishes Sidney Collie “God-speed” in his next endeavor and the hope that “resignation” does not become his middle name, the point here is that from “Mona Vie-to-Statutory Rape At Queen’s College-to-Breaking and Entering into The Chinese Embassy,” the ‘Wutless Media’ stands brazenly proud of being in cahoots with the government to keep all of the news that “is” fit to print away from the public.

Bahamas Press finds it disgraceful to note that if a Chinese person broke into The Bahamian Embassy abroad, the punishment would have been swift, public and severe. The media and leaders in that country would have demanded it to be so. But then again that would be because of people who take their public oath as a serious matter of honor.

‘Wutless Media’, do your job! Government leaders be accountable!


A group known as the ‘Crooked Cock-Eyed Suppressors of Truth’ in the Bahamas today. They all represent the BIAS WUTLESS Media in the country. No wonder newspaper purchases have slipped to an all time LOW! Shown are; Eileen Carron, Oswald ‘why you scared of the word murder’ Brown and John Marquis.