J. Henry Bostwick, open your eyes and see!



Nassau Bahamas: Former leader of the FNM J. Henry Bostwick was heard on a talk show Wednesday 8th July, answering soft questions by the host. One question put to Bostwick asked if it was a legitimate argument to blame Hubert Ingraham for the state of the economy. In his blind response, Bostwick put on his ‘red political dunce cap’ and began suggesting that the Ingraham government cannot be blamed for the economic state of the country. He was quoted as saying “they [FNM] would have been fools to not stop those contracts and allowed them to continue.”

Henry Bostwick who represents the voice of all BLACK elite UBPs in The Bahamas would obviously see nothing wrong with the state of the country, particularly the FNM’s high tax now being impose on poor and middle class Bahamians. Carpenters, painter, plumbers, electrician masons and construction workers, all are now out of work and feeling the economic pinch, because Hubert Ingraham stopped over 90 million dollars worth of government construction contracts. And billions in foreign anchor project developments in 2007.

The 2nd August, Tribune business section reported “ALBANY AND BAHA MAR DELAYS ‘MAJOR DISASTER’ FOR BUILDER’S…” with the subtitle ‘Bahamians contractors laying-off workers in soft construction market, with revenues down ‘SUBSTANTIALLY”. The article written by Neil Hartnell noted comments from Cavalier Construction’s managing director Mr. Richard Wilson who said his company had been counting on the 1.3 Billion Albany Golf & Beach Resort after completing their work on the COVE at Atlantis.

However what is even worse, Albany has a plan for a foreign construction company to get the meat and potatoes of contracts for the Albany Project, while Bahamian contractors will be left with the crumbs from the table. (See earlier post https://www.bahamaspress.com/?p=1588)

Now unlike that weak radio host, Bahamas Press quickly pulled our files. The published date is July 27th, 1992. There in the ‘WUTLESS’ Tribune under the headline, ‘Lady Pindling is not a candidate!’ Hubert Ingraham is quoted. Ingraham in his low gutter campaign style did not only blame the late Sir Lynden Pindling for the 1991 recession in The Bahamas, but also attacked Lady Pindling, and blamed her also for the pain Bahamians felt during that recession that year. Hubert Ingraham was quoted in that paper saying:

“I could not help (but wonder) when I listened to Lady Pindling as to whether or not it occurred to the good lady that while she wants Bahamians to look at her, Bahamians would much rather hear about the relief that they are going to get from the hardship because Bahamians do not now wish to gaze upon the magnificent countenance of her ladyship.

“It doesn’t occur to those people [The Pindlings] who now live an unreal life protected and shielded from the problems of our society how many thousands of Bahamians are struggling to make ends meet.

“Our homes are being auctioned off. Cars are being repossessed and sold. School fees can’t get paid. Lights are turned off. Babies pampers can’t be bought and babies crying for food. Things are tough and they ask us look at me? Yeah we looking at you.

“We looking at you but instead of looking at you thousands of other Bahamians are waiting and praying and expecting that your husband who helped to bring on THIS MISERABLE way of life will soon be gone from the countenance of our country,” Hubert Ingraham said.

Now if the Hubert Ingraham of 1992 not only blame Sir Lynden but also attacked Lady Pindling then for the state of the economy, why cannot the Bahamian people TODAY in 2008 blame Hubert Ingraham? Ingraham cancelled and STOPPED $90 million worth of contracts in capital development works for the country further crippling the economic state of the Bahamas! Friday 11th, June 2008 business sections of the ‘WUTLESS’ Tribune and Guardian published over four full pages of REPOSSESSED HOMES AND properties under the headline, “MUST SELL”! Look and see Bostwick, Hubert Ingraham’s own words have come to hunt him!

Bahamas Press says to J. Henry Bostwick, “stop acting like a BLIND man! The Bahamian people know better. Open your eyes and see the dry economic environment the Ingraham government is quickly turned The Bahamas into!” The ‘TRUST AGENDA’ STRIKES AGAIN!



  2. Truth, you are incorrect when you say that the big networks are owned by Democrats. ABC is owned by Disney (Republican) and it showed in that last debate between Obama and Clinton. Fox is Fox, Rupert Murdoch owns it and Roger Ailes Runs it and both are Republican. CBS is owned by Viacom and Sumner Redstone, Republican. NBC is owned by the GE corporation which also owns a couple of defense contractors and are largely Republican.

    While the media has been favorable to Obama (Faux News the exception), they are still Republican owned and dominated.
    i agree with Jan, the FNM are the Bahamian Republicans.

  3. Jan.. While the new Republican nominee for president is not my favorite I’ll say that the Democrats are the chiefs of spin. The majority of the big networks are owned by Democrats and they focus on ripping whoever, whatever and however to get thier mesaages across. They spin till ya dizzy. If you want the truth turn it to Fox.

  4. All Henry needs to do now is to say (just as McCain’s surrogate did recently)is that we are “WHINING” about the current miserable state of the economy when we should just believe it when we are told that everything is coming up roses.

    Henry and the FNM act and sound just like the Republicans ……….. They have even hired Kayleaser Moss a former employee of FOX (FAUX) News to spin the party line on ZNS – In the same manner that the Republicans use FAUX News to spin their lines.

  5. If i may add between 1992-2002. media touted
    ingraham and the fnm as turning around the bahamian economy. The gulf war was never acknowledged as reason for the downturn.

    Fast forward 2007,fnm in power, it’s the economy give me a break. It’s all about the “stop,review and cancel”

    As for the talk show host they are seemingly afraid,or pandering up to the fnm,they only find their guts and voices when it’s a plp guest

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