A BP NEWS ALERT: Move afoot by a fraction group inside the FNM to topple Hubert Ingraham as Prime Minister. Bahamas Press is learning a group of senior FNMs are prepared to commence an all out war on the leadership of the Party. BP has all the details and shall report our findings late this evening before 8PM…


  1. OK Mr. President, always remember you don’t have to keep reading the garbage ya know. You don’t have to keep reminding us of your concerns here.


  2. We in the F.N.M believe in good and decisive leadership.THis is why we are so good at governing.

    We also believe in having one leader at a time. So when I see or read filt! about our leader being toppled I condier it as garbage!

    • “we are so good at governing”.What a ridiculous statement which cannit be supported by any empirical evidence.Where are the illegal Haitians who were freed by decisive leadership?Do you think a good Leader would allow the streets involved in the road improvement project to be built above the level of homes?Do you think a good Leader would be receiving questions about capability from those in his own party? Persons outside the FNM have long questioned the capabilityy of PAPA but it is good that some on the inside are finally seeing the light.

    • Are you blind to the many mishappenings in our country?Are you related to the many dictators who have set foot on earth?Are you in a drunken stupor?You are too selfish to even be taken serioiusly but I just could not ignore your posting as I realise persons like you cause your Leaders to keep on oppressing and telling everyone who listens that you are simply the best…..yes at misleading and emasculating your own supporters.

  3. If there is a move for PAPA to go then the persons involved are trying to save their skins as just about everyone in the Bahamas has had enough of the PMs tactics.FNMs can either stay aboard or get off if future political aspirations are to remain intact.Being a coalition of Free PLPs,UBPs and NDPs the glue is melting and the thunder is roaring,go Tommy go and quit PAPA quit.

  4. Wow, I think those in the top at The FNM would know better than to get involved in such a risky showdown, with all the anti- government sentiment that is being spewed everyday.

    Not that there is no chance of someone else becoming the leader of the FNM. This is not the way it will be done. I think it will be done with decorum. when Ingraham decides that he will no longer offer as leader, the field will be open for those interested to go after the position, in a non-confrontational manner. confrontation will split the party, and I can’t see any one willing to kill the party for their leadership aspirations.

  5. Most people would agree the 92/97 Ingraham was an asset to the nation, however this 2010 Ingraham has become a cancers, but the hapless “lets form a committee” Christie is really not a viable replacement.

    • It is so sad that you are not versed in present day business tactics or you are acting like the ostrich.Since the FNM came to power we might be the only country in the world who do not see committes as part of the strategy for solving problems and at the same time arriving at a consenus.Educate yourself by asking students at COB or any other school of higher education about leaders seeking a consensus.That is why PAPA faces so many challenges today as he is either unaware or just too bull headed to heed sound advice.I cant wait to see who in the FNM has suddenly grown balls to form a “committee”.

      • Russell…I appreciate your comments on a consensus government, however whenever a committee is formed and meets but no definative position is ever reached then it becomes a total waste of time eg. committee on immigration – no policy, committee on national health insurance – no plan yielded, committee on constitutional reform – no amendments to date, committee on crime…I think you get the point

        • So much was done in the Christie tenure that the present Govt is able to survive despite their petty policy of stop,review and cancel.For your edification all of the committees you mentioined were in place after doing much research but were cancelled by the FNM Govt.Stop beating your chest as Govts should be continuos but our despot PM has tried to destroy everything that would remind the populace of the good things in the pipeline left by the PLP.In closing why do you think the Govt has failed to open the school at Horseshoe Drive and the building for the Mortgage Corp at JFK?I think you get the point.

          • “Stop, Review, and Cancel” is nothing more than a PLP talking point – and perhaps even an effective one. But you need to be more original and avoid talking points because they are so lame. Fact is, all PLP projects were reviewed – and rightly so. Some were continued, like Albany, LPIA, National Stadium, Road Projects to name a few. Others were significantly altered, like the Straw Market, the Container Port, Baha Mar, et al. Yet some ridiculous projects were cancelled like the Pegasus in Freeport where Pleasant Bridgewater was up to her nose in it, paying the company’s expenses from her firms client account because (after many months in operation) the company didn’t get around to opening a bank account. Yes, “stop, review, and cancel” may be an effective crying call for idiots,(no, let me be kind), for the passive observer who doesn’t take the time to really consider the responsibilities of prudent governments, but for the most part, it is clear for all to see that the Ingraham administration made the right calls.

  6. Keep reading Willard, after last week, our site had jumped from 10 million to 12.3 million based on our projections. Thousands of new registrants have signed on after the Tribune article last week…



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