Witness shot dead and murderer on bail – The Barbarians are at the GATES!



Bahamas Press is standing ready to hear the details of what is now unfolding in the Bahamas where witnesses are being picked off one by one in the country and police are all tight-lipped; Murders are walking around on bail boasting of their crimes and vigilante justice is the order of the day.

We can tell you the latest witness in this unending saga met his demise Saturday night in the Solomon’s Parking lot. Raymond Bastian you should know turned Crown Witness in a trial, which will open in the Supreme Court today.

You would remember back in December of 2007 some men decided to rob an armored van in the Prince Charles Shopping Centre. The men involved in the daring daylight heist failed in their quest and police ended up shooting and capturing one of the culprits.

When court resumes around 10 AM this morning, Ryan Butler, the man shot by police and charge for the crime, will face his fate in a court of law, but the witness will not appear, why? Well Bastian was key to the prosecution case.

But further, Bastian was arrested a few months ago for questioning in connection with murder of Kendal Andrews in June. Though he threatened Andrews and hours later the victim was dead, police did not have sufficient evidence to charge him for the crime. And as they say, here’s the rest of the story.

Here’s another story where we see the spin masters at the Torch [The official newspaper of the FNM- Tribune] went bending over backwards this morning to deflect and create spin. They say police are tight-lipped on whether or not Bastian was a witness in a major trial. The Torch and all its editorial power only needed to go to the court like BP and see who were witnesses in the court case this morning and they would have had there story. But the puppet masters, crafters of spin, creators of untruth and slant were asking police if what we at BP were saying is true. BOY THEY WUTLESS EH?

Bahamas Press has much more to this and shall reveal more in the coming days. The Barbarians are at the gates! They are killing off the witnesses. The judges are scared. The police are petrified, the media is horrified, the citizenry are horror–struck and the Minister of National Security is WUTLESS!



  1. Indeed it is a bit upsetting to see our murder rate increase but if you live by the gun you shall die by the gun. I am sadened to see an innocent child hurt, but the reality is, our Bahamian females love to have children for these worthless criminals.

  2. That this guy, who was apparently complicit in the crime, was even needed as a crown witness to secure a conviction is very telling. Very telling, indeed. Get this, the armoured vehicle heist at RBC took place in broad daylight and the culprits were, in effect, caught red-handed by police. The scene must have been ripe with forensic evidence. As I see it, the failure of our criminal justice system is threefold: the inability of the police to carry out thorough investigations: the inability of prosecutors to effectively prove guilt; and the system is stacked in favour of criminals who are presumed innocent but are, in fact, guity as hell! These criminals know the system well, and boy, do they use it to their every advantage. The most startling statistic in all of this was pointed out by BP in a previous article – notwithstanding all of the murders that have taken place over the last two years, we have had ONE conviction in the same period. Justice in The Bahamas has already collapsed.

  3. Raymond Bastian who was murdered Saturday had turned Crown Witness in a trial for the Prince Charles robbery. The trial was to open in the Supreme Court today. By lawyer for the defense, Romauld Ferreira, never appeared to defend the case this morning and thus it was postponed. As we said this morning JUSTICE IN THE BAHAMAS IS ON THE VERGE OF COLLAPSE!

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